A brain hemorrage

by ARoarer 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Been there
    Been there

    So glad to hear you are doing well.

  • Sassy

    oh my goodness ARoarer!! We are so glad you are ok!

  • talesin


    Phew! Close call. Hope all goes well, and happy there's no damage.


  • DevonMcBride

    Hi Barb,

    What a relief to hear you are now ok. Stay well.


  • Sunspot


    I had a stroke last summer so I know how fast it can hit and how devastating it can be! I was "out" in ICU four day, the regular hospital , off to a local Nursing Home, home, a relapse, back to the hospital.....and TONS of therapy---with three different people that came to the house!

    I went to bed one night and woke up and couldn't talk---and felt "drunk", lurching out to the kitchen to make coffee. I got my hubby up and by that time I was feeling awful---the ambulance cae and the EMTs couldn't GET a BP---it was off the scope. It was 242 at the ER, ten miles away. My doctor said they almost lost me twice that morning! (ouch)

    They said it was due to a blood clot that lodged in my brain (see---I DO have one-haha!) but thy never were able to find where the clot came from, so I'm on the blood thinners as well. I still havea lot of residual effects that I fear will stay with me, but for not being able to move ANYTHING on my right side for such a long time, I consider myself very lucky. Being alongside so many others in such worse shape in the Nursing Home and all.....

    I'm just too ornery to keep down............but YOU are just too NICE to have had that happen. Glad you're doing so well!!



  • Scully

    (((( Barb ))))

    so sorry to hear this, but glad you're on the mend with no major deficits from the stroke.

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    ARoarer, I'm glad you came through it and can write this for us. It can happen so suddenly. We came home from vacation and 3 hours later my hubbie was in the hospital for over a week because of his heart.

    (((hugs))) to you and family

    Blondie and Irrev

  • ARoarer


    How scary to wake up the way you did. I am so sorry you had a relapse. I fear that also. The Docs could not find a clot and think the bleed was brought on after a blood vessel popped. But they want to make sure by doing an angiagram in a couple of weeks. I am afraid it was brought on by intense excersize while riding my horse. I was also taking tylonol severe sinus tablets for a sinus infection. They think that with the herbal supplements mixed together caused my blood to thin and bleed easily. I always thought I took good care of myself by taking herbal supplements, but th docs said they can be dangerous under certain circumstances.

    Devon, hi how are you honey? Say hi to everyone for me.

    I am so glad I can still use the keyboard. When I was in Rehab I met some who had lost he use of thier limbs afte thier stroke. My legs were very strong he docs said it was probably because i ride my horse every day. I will be glad when they let me drive and ride again. Now, because I am on anti siezure medication because of the swelling inside my head, I am not allowed to drive a car. And definitely no horse.

  • ZazuWitts

    Dear Annie & Barb, Well, I'm a stroke survivor myself. I had a major ischemic stroke in Sept. '02. Please keep believing that you both will continue to see improvements...tho at times, it seems slow-going...just keep working at it. Barb they say no riding of horses, because you must protect your brain from any 'jostling' which could trigger another stroke...we are vulnerable to this for at least the first two years post-stroke. Expect to have your sleep patterns altered for the next several months. Keep 'visualising' that you will once again do all the things you used to - it will keep you going. (((Hugs to you both))). Zazu (Jan Thornton)

  • Angharad


    So sorry, glad you are on the mend


    Hi Zazu good to see you !

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