Jehovah's Witness prank -- Reno 911

by FirstInLine 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • FirstInLine

    Garcia and the black guy on reno 911 stopped two guys guns drawn, felony arrest procedures really aggresively and were very agitated and nervous sounding as they forced these guys to the ground reciting the APB and suspect derscription.

    Garcia ordered one to toss his satchel as he was on his ground. The other guy checked it out and he said "Its ok false alarm they're Jehovah's Witnesses, its ok false alarm."

    "Ok boys sorry for the misunderstanding have a nice day."

    All the time they are crying and terrified. And then back in the car the cops are lauguing,

    "aha we got em good"

    "haha APB my ass."

    it was funny.

  • minimus

    I saw that! It was funny.

  • gespro

    I've never seen this show! Maybe they should change the name of it to Garcia and 'the black guy'...


  • nilfun

    Gespro just made me cachinnate.

  • nilfun
  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    How very... ermn... copasetic. <click>


  • Elsewhere

    lol... yeah I saw that last night. I normally don't watch that show but when I came across it I remembered someone telling me about this skit (last night was a re-run) and I thought I would give the show a try. Well the luck of the Irish was with me and the episode turned out to be the one where they harassed the JWs!

  • gespro


    As long as I didn't make you defecate!

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    Reno 911 is one of the funniest, well-written shows on TV. I miss it. My husband and I were just wondering this weekend whether a new season has been ordered.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    yes, I saw that too. It was funny from "our" perspective.

    However; a part of me twinged, knowing that even though this was a staged comedy; our culture since 911 has become very suspicious. And I know; with good reason. We are not as "free" as we like to think.

    since 911, everyone is suspect and you can sense the tension when you walk the streets in New York.

    I resent having to raise my kids in such an atmosphere. I'll stick to my "small town, USA," where everyone really does know my name.

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