jehovah is not a loving God OK!! never was and never will be!

by frankiespeakin 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin

    I know there are some here that deep down inside themselves,,, they know this is true,,,,, but can't seem to be brave enough,,, ,,to say it.

    This jeho myth has got you afraid to think anything negative about jeho-bubba. That's why your afraid to admit that jeho-bubba is a myth, because mind control uses fear to keep persons in ignorance.

    Heres the idea:

    Make him a fraid to doubt. Make him feel faith is so important,, and to doubt so evil, don't you see the trap???

    jeho-bubba is a big mind control myth of the ancient jews and christians. Think about it!!!

  • Elsewhere

    I am Jehover of Armies... you must worship me or I will kill you!!!!!!!

  • sandy

    I totally agree with you. In the past I was afraid to think this much less say it out loud. I am no longer afraid anymore.

    If there is a God out there I do not believe he/she can be found in the bible.

    The bible is responsible for all the evil that has happened or is now happening in the name of God and the bible.

  • mineralogist

    bow down at the kingdom-hall or (to) elsewhere

  • Elsewhere

    That's right!!! Bow down to Elsewhere!!!

  • shamus

    I don't fear jehovah anymore. If that is the one and true god, then he can kill me, plain and simple.

    How a god of love can be that strange and bizarre is totally beyond me.

    Jehovah doesn't scare me anymore.

  • Love_Truth

    I disagree. Why? Many reasons:

    - I assume you are, first of all, referring to YHWH, which is not correctly translated "Jehovah".

    - You are flavoring your view of Him through JW colored glasses. You need to find out who He really is, not what the JW cult taught you He is.

    - The God I know (YHWH) is a loving God. That makes your statement untrue.

    Love_Truth- my two cents.

  • dustyb

    suggestion : watch "Dogma" by Kevin Smith. he's a genius! i think it explains God quite nice in there. it got me thinking too........

  • Elsewhere

    Anyone here watch the SG1 series? This thread somehow reminds me of how the Toke'ra (sp?) are constantly exposing the False Gods of Ra.

  • frankiespeakin

    Thanks everyone who responded to my thread, I feel in the mist of freinds.

    Doctor strangeloves-truth,

    The God I know (YHWH) is a loving God. That makes your statement untrue.

    Love_Truth- my two cents.

    Can you deny that your YHWH has,," ruthlessly" had his chosen people slaughter innocent women and children with out any mercy, in the past?!?!?.

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