"In my young days, when to or three men went in for a drink together, it was the custom for them to go into the back room---a snug. They never stood at the counter. Each of them would strike three hefty blows on the table and, in a flash, the barmaid would be in to see what they wanted. She would be ordered to bring them a half-pint of whiskey and in due course, she would return with a jug and a glass. Should there be ten men in the company, there would still be only the one glass. The men who had ordered and paid for the drink would then stand up and hand a glass of whiskey to the man nearest to him, who would then say "here's health" (Seo do Shlainte) to which the first man might answer, "God grant ye health" (Slainte o' Dhia duit). That's the kind of toast they used to drink and it was always with a blow of the ash plant that they summoned the barman or barmaid."
Niall O' Dubhthaigh
So to all who frequent this humble forum ... Seo do Shlainte!!!!!!!!!!!! (and pass it on down lads and lassies!)
mac, of the... and to any who dont.........ya can "pog mo thon!!" class