Bush: I'm God's Delivery Boy

by William Penwell 44 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim


    Leave a thread for a few hours and all kinds of nonsense gets spouted.

    Remember folks, a vote for peace is a vote for treason, and it's ungodly I tell ya. If you don't want peace your an unchristian agnostic traitor. Vote for Bush. god would!

    Absolute drivel. First and foremost...a vote for Bush IS a vote for peace...lasting peace...that will take a while to get to. A vote for Kerry leaves the war on terror in the hands of the lawyers...NEVER a good idea. to leave ANYTHING in the hands of lawyers.


    The following coming from you just absolutely astonishes me...you're smarted than this.

    The President was exercising both his Free Exercise and Free Speech and Right of Assembly, why is that so problematic for those on the left?

    He is also "making an establishment of religion".. which is forbidden. No, No, No, No, No, an ESTABLISHMENT of religion is making an official state church...such as the UK has. If someone thinks what Bush is doing is unconstitutional...take it to court. The 1st Amendment was in NO WAY intended to keep God out of the public debate, nor to ban members of government from making reference to God. In support of my arguement witness that the same congress that pushed for the bill of rights also hired a chaplain.

    There is also Artivcle VI of the US Constitution...

    no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

    Bush cannot use his "test of christianity" as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. As I see it he has been placing his right-wing christian buddies in all sorts of offices. And the Democrats have been opposing people for nomination to courts simply because they have a religious believe...this "religious test" issue goes both ways. All Bush does is make the nomination...the senate approves. Also note that Bush has non christians serving on his staff as well...so there goes your "religious test" theory. ELSEWHERE, You're better than that...find a better arguement...or just admit that you personally don't like that Bush talks about God, but that it's not illegal nor unconstitutional.

    He reminds me of the JWs... always skirting around the law where it suits them.

  • Richie

    I love this excerpt from Bill O'Reilly of Fox News, who explains exactly what it means to be an elitist liberal:

    New York Times writer Frank Rich continued his savage attacks on "The Passion of the Christ" movie, Sunday.

    Even though most who have seen the film -- including the head of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League believe it is not hateful towards Jews -- Rich is smarter than all of us. If you see merit in this movie you are either a moron, a sadist and/or an anti-Semite according to Mr. Rich.

    And that is the foundation of the elite media: It knows -- you don't. Their slogan might be "We report. You're a dope."

    Frank Rich's rantings have now become embarrassing both to him and to The Times. I mean, disagreement about an issue is one thing. Trying to destroy someone like Mel Gibson is quite something else.

    The New York Times is ground zero for the elite media and you would think executives at that paper would understand how detached from American reality it has become. But they do not. In fact, one day before Rich's column, The Times music critic gave thug rapper Ludacris a positive review. That's right: In the world of The New York Times, Ludacris is good; "The Passion" is bad.

    While The Times sets the agenda, the rest of the elite media is comprised of a large number of urban newspapers, National Public Radio and PBS

    Many think the TV network news operations and Hollywood executives are part of that club, but there is a subtle difference: Entertainment and TV news operations need you, the folks, to survive. Thus, while they are mostly sympathetic to the elites and generally follow their lead, they have to be careful. Believe me, CBS executives are none too pleased about the recent anti-Christian comments made by Andy Rooney and Walter Cronkite

    Likewise, the weekly news magazines like Time and Newsweek. Again, they sympathize with most of the positions taken by the elites, but they too must be cautious. Alienating the masses would be death for those publications.

    Generally speaking, the elite media believe that the majority in this country -- white Christian Americans -- are prone to oppressing the minority. The elites rightfully point to the civil rights struggle as an example of how the majority can hurt a minority until the forces of reason stepped in.

    And the elites firmly believe that not much has changed in 40 years; that white Christian-Americans must be kept in check, or they will violate minority rights.

    Thus, when federal judges rule that God must be taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance or that the Menorah and the Muslim flag can be displayed in New York City Public Schools but the Nativity scene cannot be. The elites rejoice; more punishment for the tyrannical majority.

    Of course, this kind of thinking leads to gross unfairness. The pendulum has swung. It is the majority that is now under siege in this country. Today the special interests are often the ones doing the oppressing.

    It goes without saying that the elite media will almost always favor political candidates that espouse high taxes for the evil rich; higher spending on the poor -- even if the programs are wasteful and ineffective -- and more restrictions on corporations, which the elites believe are oppressors as well.

    If you go up against the elite media it will not be pretty. You will be branded a bigot, racist, anti-Semite, [a] homophobe. You will be called a fundamentalist, or an ultra-conservative. Elites don't debate. They attack and marginalize.

    We invited Frank Rich on this program tonight, but of course he declined. Rich typifies how the elites operate. I would be pleased to debate this man on the merits of his arguments. But that would be beneath him. In reality, he's a coward. In his mind, he's enlightened.

    Think back eight years ago when the Fox News Channel did not exist. Outside of The Wall Street Journal, which puts forth a conservative philosophy, the elites had the national information flow pretty much to themselves no one could stand up to them.

    Now the landscape has changed. And while our competitors at NBC and CNN still can't figure out how Fox News has become so powerful, it?s very simple: We are not the elite media. For example, we don't feel the 66 percent of Americans who are against gay marriage are fools and bigots. And we don't think that our opinion has more validity than your opinion, no matter what it is -- we give voice to all points of view, including the elite one.

    But that doesn't cut it in the halls of media elitism. The attacks on Mel Gibson by The New York Times and others prove that we are now in an age where control of information flow has become a serious war of words. The elites believe it is them against the howling mob. And the elites are true believers.

  • gitasatsangha

    I think the "Passion" is a well done two hour hardcore BDSM flick. I'm not into that, so it had only negative effects for me. I prefer my gory movies to have Jason or Freddy Kreuger in them. But it was well done, daring, and the Aramaic and street Latin were the only good parts (well, the humour of Jesus inventing the dining table was nice.. could have had a lot more of that and a lot less of whips, chains, and demonic babies).

    Does that make me an elitist liberal?

    Gita.. (waiting for "the comPassion of Amitaba" to get filmed)

  • heathen

    Just what the heck does passion of the christ have to do with GWJR. believing he is some sort of messiah of freedom and democracy?

    I can't believe the anti semetic accusations , people have been reading the new testament for 2ooo years .I just think the movie was done in poor taste . I've read the story several times and don't need to see a bunch of actors beating up jesus to get the point of the story.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    One wonders why Dick Cheney and the other cabinet members don't stop this stuff? Maybe they know that it's a political move to show the divide from Kerry?

    I think you are right on. Early in the campaign Bush wants to bring all those fanatical right wing conservatives on board. Just to appeal to the extreme right wingers in his party. I am sure after the Republican political strategists take a look at the polls and if Bush is losing support they will make him moderate his statements to appease the middle of the road electoral. The old game of divide and conquer. Both sides do it. Unfortunately the small minority on both sides of the political spectrum end up making up the policies for the majority.


  • FirstInLine

    Minority this....Christian Rightwing that.... special interests yack yack yack. Both Parties pander to special interests. Lets have a look at which side panders to who.

    Democrats: the working man (labor unions), the minority advocate groups, women's rights groups, environmental groups...etc

    GOP: Big Business; that sells our jobs over seas for a few extra bucks, cuts environmental standards and damages our ecosystem for a few extra bucks, wants to sell guns without background checks or waiting periods (I am a gun owner) for a few extra bucks (and votes); the anti-abortionist (I am anti abortion) and dubious Christian right through fear of punishment from God for voting democrat to keep the GOP in power.

    If the Republican constituency would wake up and get tough on big business by voting democrat for a while they could force change in the party and we could return to the comfortable safety of partisan politics in a few years.

  • DanTheMan

    I don't know if I'll ever be able to get off the fence regarding Bush.

    Part of me says that in the times we're living in, we need a person who is steely and decisive, who does what he thinks is right and to hell with those who don't agree.

    But articles like this lead me to believe that he is a dumb born-again Christian who is all-too convinced of his own "calling" by God to defeat whatever dark forces he may deem to be so.

  • Yerusalyim
    Democrats: the working man (labor unions)Oh, ya mean like millionaires Bill and Hillary Clinton, or that REALLY rich guy John Kerry (who has more money than the Bush's do by the way...yep...really "work a day" guy there.? , the minority advocate groups,you mean like Senator KKK Byrd? All these racist southern democrats? Which ones are for minority rights? Was in Hillary with her "Jew Bastard" comment, or Bill's use of the "N" word? No the Democrats have exploited minorities..not helped them women's rights groups,This is nothing more than a code word for Pro Abortion...murder environmental groups...etc Like the Environmental Liberation Front (ELF),
    GOP: Big Business; that sells our jobs over seas for a few extra bucks, cuts environmental standards and damages our ecosystem for a few extra bucks,where when how why? wants to sell guns without background checks or waiting periods BS(I am a gun owner) for a few extra bucks (and votes); the anti-abortionist (I am anti abortion) and dubious Christian right through fear of punishment from God for voting democrat to keep the GOP in power.

    All I can say is it sounds like you'd be happier as a democrat...you have ZERO understanding of what the conservatives in this country are for....jobs have been going "overseas" for decades...it's part of the free market. A study of history will show you that the protectionist policies you favor contributed to and exaserbated the Great Depression. The GOP isn't pro-BIG BUSINESS...It's probusiness....period. Whacko environmentalists don't create jobs....labor unions don't create jobs (and cost me mine 20 years ago)...businesses create jobs...create an environment that encourages business and you create jobs. All the BS overlegislation of the economy and business, etc costs money and jobs. If the Democrats would vote Republican for a change maybe that party would rejoin society and shirk all the radical leftists that are taking over.

  • Euphemism

    Whew! It sounds like all the political stuff that's been bottled up for months is all coming out on one thread. I should probably get out of the way.

    Just for the record, I'm a liberal, agnostic secular humanist. But I have to disagree strongly with statements like this one:

    The right wing Christian fundamental movement is just as scary as fanatical muslins. If they feel god is on their side and will bless anything they do. Then what is stopping those types from blowing us all to Kingdom come?

    The 20th century's worst atrocities--the work of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, the Khmer Rouge, etc--were justified on the basis of pseudo-scientific (and in three of the four cases, atheistic) philosophies. A Christian fundamentalist could easily argue, "Those atheists scare me. If they feel that there's no God, then then there are no moral limits on what they'll do!" The simple fact is, fanaticism is dangerous, whether it is philosophically based on religion, politics, science, or anything else.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Euphemism wrote:

    The 20th century's worst atrocities--the work of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, the Khmer Rouge, etc--were justified on the basis of pseudo-scientific (and in three of the four cases, atheistic) philosophies. A Christian fundamentalist could easily argue, "Those atheists scare me. If they feel that there's no God, then then there are no moral limits on what they'll do!" The simple fact is, fanaticism is dangerous, whether it is philosophically based on religion, politics, science, or anything else.

    Let me congratulate you on being the the first clear thinking and honest "liberal, agnostic secular humanist" I have read on this discussion board.

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