Hi Skimmer: Here are my thoughts on this:
1) Is it a given that anyone who tries to get in without a convention badge is going to be carefully scrutinized? Questioned? Tailed?
Not necessarily. Many JWs forget to put their badges on. If you go in wearing a suit, and carry a NWT Bible, etc. you will likely be ignored. If you carry a sign saying something they do not like or protesting the teachings and practices of the WTS they will likely ask you to leave.
2) Are all of the security staff JWs, or to they hire for some of the positions? I have heard that they do hire armed guards for cash transport.
All security are JWs, usually large men capable of defending themselves. When large sums of money are handled it is wise to hire a security service to pick up these funds. Brinks and other services are commonly used. I beliueve that the Society uses such services when they feel it is necessary in larger cities.
3) Does the security crew use two way radio? Has anyone checked which frequencies they use?
They often use walkie-talkie systems. I don't know the frequency. Generally Attendants do not carry such devices, but higher level Attendants in Security may carry them. They also have a special marking on their badges or separate badges to identify them.
[i]4) Would it be fairly easy to make a badge that looked a whole lot like an official badge? I'm not suggesting counterfeiting, but rather something that was close enough without being fraudulent.
[i]5) Has anyone tried attending with press credentials?
I have not tried attending since I left in May 1992. But, I would not use any trickery to attend. Were I to attend just to see what was being taught, I would bring my usual stuff, Bible, songbook, and note pad along with a tape recorder. I would belnd in. I would choose a city where I am not known. I would shave off my beard, and keep a low profile.
If a JW tried to converse with me, asked where I am from, I would explain that I am from out of town, just visiting. If they asked if I am a JW, I would be honest and say no. If they asked if I am studying, I would say not at this time. If they asked whether I have studied, I would say that I have somewhat in the past, and I have a few publications. If they inquired as to who studied with me and how low ago, I would tell them. If they asked if I was still interested, I would say, not really. If they wanted to know why I was there, I would say that I am just interested in understanding what the latest teachings are, to see what if any changes have been made.
My whole response would be honest, vague, and no apparant agenda. That is the best way. If a JW tried to get more into my thought, I would than ask questions. I would say that I can not understand why they teach thus and so because of this and that. And then let them have the floor. If their probing got too intrusive, at some point in time, I would interrupt and excuse myself to the restroom, or to go eat, or return to my seat.
But, I have no interest in attending any event of the Watch Tower religion. I am quite satisfied that they are an abusive and somewhat cultish religion that will change or pass out of existence. I have no need to expend time with them. I do participate here and at times elsewhere on other ex-JW forums so as to be of assistence to some just leaving, and also in the hope that I may run into any JW friends who have left the organization as well. - Amazing