Why I Joined the Jehovah's Witnesses!
I am sometimes asked why I joined the Jehovah's Witnesses. When I think about the answer, I can't understand their current mistreatment of me. I don't understand why I am being shunned by my family and the JWs. I don't understand why they call me an apostate. In light of my answer to this question and their own behavior, it makes no sense.
Why did I join? What lead me to be baptized at age 15? Was it because I was raised in their religion? Was it because I was a young and foolish teen unable to make legal adult decisions? Was it because my whole family was in that religion and continued association with my relatives was contingent upon my membership? Was it because I loved the image of Jehovah God that I had formed in my mind through the first 15 years of my life? Was it to avoid some catastrophic cataclysm that the Watchtower society said would be occurring within just two more years in 1975? Was it to be part of historic events never before seen on Earth that would never be seen again? Was it to show everyone that I was old enough to be considered a mature adult even though I couldn't drive yet?
No. It was none of these reasons.
It was my love of books. I have always loved books and reading. An avid reader, I was constantly challenging myself with reading material. Growing up, I often tried to read books beyond my grade level, not always successfully, but at least I tried. I struggled with third grade level stories when I was in the first grade. I tried reading Robinson Crusoe in fourth grade. I tried to read with comprehension the Babylon the Great book and the Life Everlasting in the Freedom of the Sons of God book at age ten. Yes, my love of books was that described in Ecclesiastes 12:12.
So here is the real reason I joined the Jehovah's Witnesses...
...to use the Kingdom Hall library!
I didn't really join them at all. I just needed access to their library. Surely they can appreciate that! All of those beautifully bound volumes. All of those colorful tomes. Years and years worth of reading and research. So for them to turn on me and call me an apostate is quite reminiscent of a certain black pot. Sigh.