Do You Fall in Love Too Fast?
ESTEE's results:
Sensible Seductress
Congratulations for being able to appreciate the fun of dating without taking every dude too seriously. You let love unfold naturally and learn to gauge each guy by his own unique attributes instead of fooling yourself into believing every stud is your soul mate. You aren't going to pledge your devotion on day one, but you also don't brace yourself to be booted by every boy.
The boon: "Since you know what you really want, you're not going to put up with a so-so relationship just for the sake of saying 'I have a boyfriend,'" says Philippa Courtney, author of Four Steps to Bring the Right Person into Your Life Right Now (Meant2Be Unlimited, 2000). When you do enter a relationship, you understand that it takes time to get to know someone -- you don't overthink every little action. In the end, your combo of rockin' and restraint leads you to genuine relationships.