Hey, Corvin,
That's great news! I have one daughter in, and one daughter who just came out of the JWs, so I've been through the same, and still await the day my yougest comes to her senses.
Thanks for sharing and glad to know ya!
by Corvin 33 Replies latest jw friends
Hey, Corvin,
That's great news! I have one daughter in, and one daughter who just came out of the JWs, so I've been through the same, and still await the day my yougest comes to her senses.
Thanks for sharing and glad to know ya!
Corvin....Kudos!! It is so liberating taking back your identity and integrity from the Tower, and exhilirating for us to "witness" (*wink*) you take that step.
# Again, I am putting you on notice that I and my children are completely off limits to you and your minion elders here locally in San Diego. We are permanently on the "DO NOT CALL" list! The first elder or JW to approach one of my children with a guilt trip, Bible counsel, advice or admonition will be just the same jacking off a lion with a handfull of razor blades. Not a good idea. Stay away from us. #
I'm so PROUD of you and for the stand you have taken. And I know it's difficult.
The year after I left the WTS, my hubby, myself and our 11 year-old (Asperger's Syndrome) grandson were at our little country drive-in theater. We had never let our grandson go to the restroom by himself, but (against my better judgment) my hubby thought he could go alone as we were siting practically arm's-length from the door....
He came back and said "guess who I saw in there, and he was telling me that if you don't want to go to the meetings that *I* can go with them and Jehovah REALLY wants me to be at the meetings, ya-da-ya-da-ya-da". He was all excited and talking non-stop.
He had met up with an Elder from up the road, and I did such a slow burn, my husband had to just about lock the car doors so I wouldn't hop out and cause a scene! Imagine the NERVE to start in on a KID, who is handicapped as well.....and corner him in a public restroom and run a guilt trip on him...I STILL want to give him a strong piece of my mind, four years later!
I wasn't as "brave" as you, but I wish now that I HAD been. That feeling of "not pleasing PEOPLE" has always been a problem for me (I'm getting over THAT finally-LOL!)
I'm glad that you said ( what I quoted above), it leaves NO room for mistakes on the WTS part, and SHOULD keep the wolves away!
WoW!!! Good for you!!! Brandon and I , of course, understand the need for annonymity for some, but CHEERS to those who they can't hurt anymore!!! They are still terrorizing soooo many that have left their clutches.
I think that one reason apostates have such a sinister stereotype is because of the masked identity of most. If we ALL come out and openly, AND publicly oppose them, we as a whole might be more effective. Whattya think?
Awesome!! I'm so glad for you! I have remained anonymous because most of my family is still stuck in the quagmire of "troof", but as time goes on, I am seriously reconsidering that position. If it isn't helping, what's the point? No one bothers me anymore. No visits from the "elders", no preaching...they don't even knock on my door anymore with their magazines. I want my family out! Now how will I ever accomplish that? I rarely even hear from them anymore. They told me 30 years ago that I am dead, altho they don't mind digging up my old bones once in a while to see how I am I'm sure they must be confused when I am very healthy and happy out here without them! . Maybe it's time to shake things up a bit!
Kudos! Krazylady
2escaped lifers
If we ALL come out and openly, AND publicly oppose them, we as a whole might be more effective. Whattya think?
It would be wonderful and something I'd very much like to see happen - but it would be difficult because there is so much fear involved. The good thing is, as Corvin has demonstrated, is that more and more have erased that fear. It really is amazing that after you take that initial step and stick to your guns the fear doesn't just drop away slowly, it falls away in huge chunks!
Fear is Watchtower's primary weapon. Once that has been eradicated the floodgates to freedom will open wide.
u are my hero. u have made my day. so happy u have saved your children from this destructive cult. 3 kids who will get an education and not be screwed up the rest of there lives. Good for u.
U really have that "do not mess with me" look on your face-which btw is a very nice face.
I only wish this for dmouse, he has been through so much and i have not seen him post for a while.
Wow...what a cool story...
Glad to have you with us...and glad to see your bravery and not being afraid anymore.
Glad to have you here, Corvin! Welcome aboard!
Know that when you get past the anger stage ... and you will ...because it is a process ... you will heal from the ravages of the cult. It is my view that the cult tries to destroy any sense of personal worth that we have individually. The dubs encourage co-dependence with the borg. No independent thought or action.
Self-pride, self-confidence ... and might I add, self-direction!!! Know that now you will learn to really savour life ... in the moment. And It's great!
Awesome post, Corvin!!
Congratulations to you and your family as you start a new WT-Free Chapter in your lives. You have set a great example for your girls.