How do you like your toilet paper?

by Winston Smith :>D 48 Replies latest social current

  • doodle-v

    You have Tee Pee for my Bunghole?

    Are you threatening me?

  • bikerchic

    Over the top is the correct way as instructed in Good Housekeeping Magazine.

    I always brown it on both sides then throw it in the pot.

  • Farkel

    Nobody actually LIKES toilet paper, unless there isn't any at hand. No one even THINKS about toilet paper unless there isn't any.

    Next, we'll have discussions like "Fred Franz was so messed up because Bethel toilet paper was only ONE ply. Rutherford had THREE ply toilet paper, while his Bethelites only had 1/2 PLY. Did THREE ply toilet paper contribute to Rutherford's colon cancer? Is ONE ply toilet paper the "antichrist?" How many PLIES of toilet paper will Jehovah lovingly let us have in his Paradise Earth(tm)? Is using more than ONE ply of toilet paper materialiistic? What does the Bible have to say about this, and should your choice of the number of PLIES of toilet paper affect your spirituality and eternal destiny? Are there any BLOOD products in your toilet paper, and should your Christian conscience be affected if there are? How many companies that make toilet paper are controlled by Satan? Is "Charman" toilet paper the modern-day type of Charlamagne? Should such toilet paper be a matter of conscience or is it paganistic in nature.

    The August 15, 2004 WT will deal these issues and much, much more. These are timely topics in these very dangerous times, and Jehovah's Organization is here to protect us all.



  • GermanXJW

    It is of major importance to educate people that if the holder is empty there will not grow any paper without support.

  • Stefanie

    3 % dont use?? Yikes!!! The skid marks!!!!!!!!!!

  • Simon

    Over the top.

    We use recycled ...

  • xenawarrior

    I'm sorry but I just watched television tonight and I heard a well respected talk show host reporting that there is a toilet paper shortage and we should all stock up !!

    Going out to buy some now


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Dock leaves are pretty good


  • Black Sheep
  • xenawarrior

    I'm not kidding you guys........ there really is a shortage!!!

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