Post your ugly mug
by SC_Guy 93 Replies latest jw friends
Sandy, you look a little pale.
Me singing
LittleToe singing :)
This was taken about 2 weeks ago..........
Sandy, you look a little pale.
Maybe it will work this time..
Maverick, how dare you post a pic of your demonized cat's mug!!!
Sandy, you wound me! What have you got against cats? Just for that I'm going to write out one of my cat poems!
My Kitty Loves Cake
I care for a little kitten
by whose manner I am smitten.
She personifies dignity and grace
and displays majesty upon her face.
But if a Twinkie wrapper I crinkle
within her eye I detect a twinkle.
With rapid pawing thrusts and surges
a tiny barbarian emerges!
Too bad I can't teach her to bake
cause my little kitty just loves cake!
shotgun we think too much a like
What the hecks that "round thingy" on LT's lap.......a chasity belt
I think its a murse...ya know...a woman has a purse and a man (Metrosexual) has a murse.
I was confused until Sirona posted that picture of herself and LT singing I am Woman.
Great pictures...I'll post one of myself at a congregation function.
erm this photo does somethin for me...teehee
What a total wow
Brummie is purring.