Don't take my word for it.
Tomorrow at work or at Mc Donalds for lunch, just walk on up and fire off the same question. "Excuse me, are you a democrat or republican"?
I will await your next post with the details.
by spiritwalker 33 Replies latest social current
Don't take my word for it.
Tomorrow at work or at Mc Donalds for lunch, just walk on up and fire off the same question. "Excuse me, are you a democrat or republican"?
I will await your next post with the details.
--Breaking out in a sweat while wringing hands--
How about neither one. Is neither good? I prefer more options and possibilities.
And if u really want to get personal, just ask someone how much money they make a year. Money is really the new taboo, as opposed to sex. Years ago, one would have never discussed the sexual things we do here, but now it's money. Of course, LW, u are right. We are in an artifical envirmoment here and we feel free to talk. In the real world , the office, whatever, asking about political stance, unless it is an open discussion or polled, is sort of like asking what race u are. Not PC. The world of the DB is different, we cannot see each other and also we start discussions that ask for opinions. Very different than an office setting.
Yes i am a gung ho this year about my politics. It is my first year to vote and I am so proud. I have always favored the democrat side , and long for the days of JFK and Martin Luther King. Boy do we need those guys wisdom now. But they aren't here and we will have to make do with what we have, So based on the choice we have and the situation in the world, i am voitng for GW Bush.
I am a registered Republican. THough I have more and more found myself in agreement with the Libertarian party.
Oh, as a JW identified with the Democrats, and it wasn't until I left the Borg, and began to read freely all types of books that my political views began to move to the right. And by the way it was during this time that I was agnostic about Christianity and religion in general.
I made it a point to ask 10 people I work with and do not normally talk to, "what political party they are?" All of them answered and not one was in any sort of hang up about it. As a matter of fact, it made for great conversation. To add, 7 Republicans, 2 Democrats and 1 Green Party. Just some FYI, and why I do not understand the point to the other side.
: I can not help it, every Democrat I meet, seems to be a walking lie. So how do you feel?
There are at least a five or six Demoncrats (sic) who are not a walking lie. I've never met any of them, though. I'm sure they are there, however.
Seriously, every one is unique and should not be painted with the same broad brush. It's a pity that people have been taught to think that all opinions and ideals fit either with the Democrats or the Republications. Such is not the case. Many opinions cross those artificial borders which were created by jerks trying to polarize American thought.
Think outside those two boxes and, most importantly do what's right. Neither of those two parties have all the answers, and BOTH of those parties just might have the mix of good answers.
What do I know? I was a dub. I must be stupid, or something.
True, when I registered to vote. The idea was which of these two parties. I found interest in some thoughts, and none in others. Yet the general idea was, any other party is a waste of your vote. So I went with a party I thought fit me the closest. Later, I rebeled and just went independent.
I'm a centrist Independent who is very concerned about the position of the Bush administration.
I am really concerned about any president who urges Congress to ammend the Constitution to take away the rights of any citizen.
Also, I stumbled across the Project for the New American Century site. The Project is a think tank that includes among its membership Jeb Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney. Here are some quotes from their mission statement:
"? we need to strengthen our ties to democratic allies and to challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values;
? we need to accept responsibility for America's unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles."
I have a real problem with the "challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values"
And "preserving and EXTENDING an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and OUR principles (emphasis mine)"
This was written June 3, 1997, by the way. IMO, this strengthens the arguement that President Bush was looking for a reason to invade Iraq.
I support the theocracy that was set up invisibly in 1914. I'm a registered theocrat, and I write in Jehovah every election, and Jesus as his Vice President.
I'm a Re-DUB-lican!!!
In a mellow, ginseng mood -
I'm going with Kerry! He has the balls to stand up and do whats right, not just what the "religious right" wants... What is so dirty about Howard Stern??? He talks about breasts, oral sex, anal sex. I have seen EVERY one of these openly discussed on this forum. He is just a guy talking about what NORMAL people talk about. People say he is rude to the women on his show... you know what, any woman going on his show knows what he is like, so they should expect nothing less.
As far as the political debate goes, Bush (who apparently is ruling the FCC through daddy's boy Michael Powell) needs to realize that radios have this amazing thing these days... it's called a tuner knob. I don't need some republican telling me what I want to hear. If I don't want to hear something, then I turn that amazing little knob.
Under Bush, this country will just keep spiralling into a Nazi-esque regime, with the Jews being replaced with anyone who is not a religious fanatic (or Bush supporter).
Just my two pence. BTW... Bush is a moron, making jokes about not being able to find the WMDs in Iraq, after hundreds have died over there.
Futher Mucking Kerry Supporter
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