McVeigh put to sleep RETARTED next

by crossroads 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • crossroads

    Venice-not I but the STATE is comparing them to MASS
    Murders-the STATE is going to KILL them not I.
    Jan-Yes we do a great job in this country of electing
    qualified men. Yesterday the president(little respect)
    taught me Africa is a nation--I never knew that.
    LDH--yes lets line up the spellers QUAILE and ME next
    people who can't speak starting with BUSH himself
    right after.
    Slayerlayer--what you describe is trully cruel but at the end
    I'm dead-FACT- so really I wouldn't care-FACT
    KENT--I really had more rspect for you than I should have.
    It was part of my point. Retarded are worthless?--so are
    HERION ADDICTS--don't care if they fart in public as long
    as they get high
    OLD PEOPLE--who can hardly hear or see have taken out
    more from SS than they have put in-they fart in public too.
    WELFARE MOMS-will fart for a buck
    CULT FOLLOWERS-They are not allowed to think for self
    and if told by leader or leaders to kill-or put 5 bucks in
    pocket and drink; or fart in public they will.
    Yes line all these people up they must go. Too bad Kent
    we did not get you in line in time. But old age is coming
    can't wait.
    Ah Franciose-if you think Bush is an honest man I feel
    real sorry for you. Hopefully by the end of his four years
    you will see him as he trully is. If not I think you should
    take up reading the watchtower and awake again

    Agent who killed Weaver's wife and child will face no

    FACT--14 children under the age of 6 have died in back
    yard pools so far this year in AZ. NO CHARGES FILED
    Last year 28 a record we will break easily this year. It
    dosen't even make the front page anymore. At least
    cult followers and McVeigh can point to some kind of cause.
    These PARENTS who would have cried and called for
    McVeigh's blood if he killed THEIR children just point to
    the phone or the frig. or the bathroom or whatever lame
    excuse they can think off. These parents are suppose to
    love and CARE for their childern--they KNEW where they
    were.Tell me don't they deserve the needle too? Are not
    they worthless too Kent.Not even a charge no longer
    front page news-----Yeah all we are surely on the right

    You can all go back to sleep now

  • Roamingfeline

    Go take your Xanax, Crossroads, you need a nap. You're rambling and not even making good sense. What the hell do children drowning in swimming pools from being neglected have to do with a mass murderer who deliberate bombed a public building and killed 168 people, also injuring/maiming over 1,000? Answer: Absolutely nothing. Apples and Oranges. Go get some education and maturity, then come back and talk.


  • Abaddon

    Oh, no, not again...

    (voice from South Park)

    Killing is wrong. M'kay?

    Because killing is wrong, M'kay?

    And killing for killing is wrong. M'kay?

    I get so bored with having the death penalty debate with Americans as their support of it is generally based on assumptions.

    Would everyone who supports the death penalty go and read the justice departments statistical extract for executions? And explain the dodgy bits (like overturned convictions (i.e. people sentenced to death and later found to be INNOCENT) since the death penalty was re-instituted in the USA are just about as high as actual executions?). I've got a .pdf file somewhere if y'all to damn lazy to investigate yourselves.

    Now (taking this as a fact, which it is) you can explain this as proof that the appeals system works, and that no innocent people get killed. Or you can think about the innocent ones whose innocence was not discovered before their execution, sitting there, knowing they are innocent, knowing they are going to die, be judicially murdered AND PUT YOURSELF IN THEIR SHOES.

    Good example is Dennis Williams. Unless an Illinois law professor had set his case as a class project, he would be dead. And it's not like the evidence was hard to come by! There was a guy in jail willing to admit to the murder who could provide SOC detail that proved he was just peaching, and enough holes in the case to make it qualify as swiss cheese, as distinct from justice.

    Would everyone who supports the death penalty explain how people get executed when appeal courts decide that undisclosed evidence and public defenders who fell asleep in the original trial are no reason for a re-trial?

    Anyone going to look at a statistical analysis of race, by offender and victim, and sentence, and tell me that a) a white life is worth the same as a black life in the USA (CLUE; it is not, you are more likely to die for killing white people), or that blacks do not get lynched (or executed in some other way) in the USA (CLUE; they do, as a black person charged with murder is more liely to die for it than a white person)?

    Is there a big enough fool here to tell me that;

    a) The death penalty never results in an innocent person dying.

    b) That the death penalty is applied to people equally without regard to their race, the race of their alleged victims, or the wealth of the alleged murderer?

    c) That the death penalty is never applied to minors or to mentally incompetant people?

    If you answer YES, you are a fool, and a wrong fool. Do some fucking research.

    If you answer NO, then the death penalty is by its very nature unconstitutional, let alone unfair, racist and partial.

    Isn't it funny how an ammendment to the constitution (right to bear arms) gets people marching in the street if it is threatened, but the fact everytime someone is executed you are ass-reaming your precious constitution, and the anti-death penalty lobby are satarised as 'tree-hugging hippies' (sorry SlayerLayer, nothing personal ;-) ).

    It's your country, do what you like. In Europe we call that behaviour barbaric and we call it hypocritical. Play with your guns, kill innocent people, 'guard' the free world from infringements of human rights (rich white American peoples rights), make fools of yoursleves?

    Just like we did in Europe, you will repeal the death penalty again and it will not come back. It's inevitable, like the Euro or a United States of Europe.

    Have a nice weekend!!

  • SlayerLayer
    Slayerlayer--what you describe is trully cruel but at the end
    I'm dead-FACT- so really I wouldn't care-FACT

    Maybe not, but I would.

    FACT--14 children under the age of 6 have died in back
    yard pools so far this year in AZ. NO CHARGES FILED
    Last year 28 a record we will break easily this year. It
    dosen't even make the front page anymore. At least
    cult followers and McVeigh can point to some kind of cause.
    These PARENTS who would have cried and called for
    McVeigh's blood if he killed THEIR children just point to
    the phone or the frig. or the bathroom or whatever lame
    excuse they can think off. These parents are suppose to
    love and CARE for their childern--they KNEW where they
    were.Tell me don't they deserve the needle too?

    I think that the obivious point that you are missing is intent. If these parents has taken their children to the pool and held their heads under water untill they drowned, then yes they deserve death. Bad parenting does not warrant death.

    If man or a woman actually takes the time to premeditate the killing of an innocent child, they need to be wiped from the face of this earth. We don't need those kind of people. Do we? You would rather pay for this man's care for the rest of his life? In effect you are are saying "You may have butchered innocent children, but hey, let me buy your dinner."

  • fodeja
    In effect you are are saying "You may have butchered innocent children, but hey, let me buy your dinner."

    Yeah. And, actually, why waste our wonderful taxpayers' money on a fair trial, when we all KNOW the sucker is guilty anyway? Why not just hang him on the nearest tree, huh?

    A nation that has enough wealth to spend utterly incredible amounts of tax money on its (so-called "defensive") war machinery can afford to feed a couple of people, easily, to protect its law abiding citizens from harm. But can any nation on this planet afford to kill people who are innocent, even just one person? What if that happened to you, SL? It can't? Yeah, right.

    Anyway, welcome to the 21st century. In some parts of the world, it's the Dark Ages revisited.


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