I think it is just as racist to have a "whites only" scholarship as it is to have "blacks only" or indians only", etc. People should get jobs, scholarships, etc. based on their ability, NOT on the color of their skin. If you can't pass the test to get the job, ya don't get it, if you don't have good enough grades to get a scholarship, you don't get it.
"whites only" scholarship
by crownboy 24 Replies latest jw friends
If you go to www.fastweb.com you will find scholarships for all kinds of different categories. I guess the way you placate people who are not for affirmative action of any kind is give them thier own method of catering to thier crowd. Should I be pissed if the Episcopalians offered money to a parishioner/student for college, and I a non Episcopalian college student? Nope...If it is a private fund then who cares...let them...at least maybe a little education will teach the recipient some respect for people of differing races.
District Overbeer
While you know that I am superior to you in all ways and recognize it, except in those ways wherein I am not your superior, once in a while you say something nearly worthy of attention even if it isnt worthy of attention when it is :D. In any case let people give scholarships to whom they may. Let schools exist that teach certain things but dont restrict membership, such as a seminary that lets atheists in. Diversity rocks in my mind. Hopefully folks will begin to see this more.
On this issue, my S.O.'s mother is in administration at a major University here. When I told her she didnt blink but said there was nothing wrong with it and brought up the various scholarships and clubs that are at her University that cater to this or that group. So why is it different if it is whites only? She has irish ancestry, and black. Among others, including native american.
Though I think it will be cool when education is an on going thing that everyone is entitled to access, and health care, and home ownership and electricity and travel and communications and so on and so forth. Diversity Montana. :D
I say it's about friggen time that free speach can be used to give white people a sense of accomplishment and pride because I personally am sick and tired of hearing about the minority problems and racist issues of the past . People should be able to do with their money what they want with out government trying to justify everything in an attempt to make things appear like all white people are racist and need to be controlled. I hated affirmative action and believe people should get jobs based on their experience and work ethic not because the government wants to level some playing field . I can't believe GW jr . will not do anything about the illegal immigrants who are taking jobs away from americans .
Hey, pardon me I'm wrong, but aren't there exclusive scholarships for all kinds of ethnic groups including Native Americans and African Americans that are not available to whites?
Racism stinks. Reverse discrimination also stinks. Discrimination stinks no matter who it's aimed at.
If you're black or Jewish, people will freak if someone says something about your race. If you're white, especially southern white, a lot of people seem to think it's just fine to make slurs against you.
I say it's about friggen time that free speach can be used to give white people a sense of accomplishment and pride because I personally am sick and tired of hearing about the minority problems and racist issues of the past .
It's not in the past, and it won't be for a long time. It's merely better. But it was really, really bad. Anyone who'll tell you otherwise needs a good lynching.
We're all benefiting from affirmative action, so we shouldn't be so shortsighted as to be slamming it this soon in history. Put simply, most of the white people I know would NOT be treating blacks as equals in the workplace and elsewhere if they hadn't been forced to by law. I hear it on the edges, out on the fringes, of their conversation everyday. It's not that they're evil, it's just that their lives are small, conservative, afraid of change. When change is forced on them, they adapt fine, they become bigger people, and they convince themselves they never had a bit of racism in the first place, lol.
RE: illegal immigrants, I cannot say why he isnt doing anything but I can speculate. II's = cheap labor = benefits for businesses.
RE: Affirmative Action...The problem is the playing field is still way off kilter. One third of black men will spend time in jail, compared to 1 in 27 white men. Driving while black can be hazzardous to your health. I am rarely pulled over. Most every time I have been Ive been with a black woman. Many black men and women still face discrimination in the work place, getting fewer raises, lower quality jobs, promotions and so forth. The same is true of women. In the trades in ohio, black men are still..STILL often the first ones laid off in a slow down...this despite their qualifications.
Should a black man who is not qualified get a job? I would say no. But should a black man that is qualified be the first to be fired or laid off or denied a job? I would also say no. Affirmative action should be used to ensure those that are qualified get the jobs and the training to keep them qualified. The same is true btw of women who are still not paid on the same scales as men.
That having been said, white pride is great as well. If I want to go to an irish festival, that doesnt seem to be much of a problem. If I wanted to go to a white festival I would be automatically suspect.
Flying High
Reverse Racism would mean that people like me because of my race. Blacks like me because I am irish. If a black person treats me nasty because of my race, that is not reverse racism that is racism. There is however a difference between trying to assist people that have been economically forbidden from joining society as a group and racism. That having been said, there are many poor whites who are also struggling. Whiteness does not equate to success.
RE: white racial slurs...that has a lot to do with white guilt. I dont have any and am racist and racial and anti-racist all at the same time.
Six of Nine
Exactly. There still are struggles. Being able to live without getting lynched does not mean racism has disappeared. I am amazed at the numbers of folks, of various races, that are convinced they are not racists, when they are making decisions about the daily lives of people based on their race. My S.O.'s father was a pipe fitter. In the eighties there was a slow down in cleveland for a short while. They laid off all of the black pipe fitters first. The union did notthing to help. These men lost homes, families, and lives because of it.
Racism can be subtle. My mum would go on that she wasnt a racist but that she did not believe inmixing because it was the children of those unions that suffered. Thus the solution, no mixing. What? That isnt racist and she was convinced it wasnt? How about this as a freakin solution. Instead of causing the children to suffer by treating them badly..lift them up. Provide pride to them about both sides of their heritages.
Racism is alive and well. Many times it is overt. Many times it is subtly overt. Other times it is under the surface. Ive heard many whites declare they are not racist. I did so for a long time. The last couple of years though Ive analysed. I am a racist. Thus now where do I go? Growth. I do not have to understand why a black man likes chitterlings. I dont have to eat them. I certainly dont have to cause him a hassle because he eats them. Understand there are differences.
If the young republicans want a white scholarship, so be it. Let them also understand though that sometimes, some people still are prevented from accomplishing their goals (persuit of happiness) because of racism denied.
Well six if black people could prove in court they weren't being treated equally there were already discimination laws in the books and were being used to sue companies everyday of the week . I still don't think it's ok for government to regulate who gets what job in a free market place .
Heathen they did prove in court. This is why the govt set up affirmative action.
Now AA isnt what many folks think it is. The federal Govt when it creates regulations like this has very specific rules they have to follow. This applies also to things like minimum wage. Usually the companies must employee fifty or more people to be forced to follow the rules. Or they must recv federal funds, either in govt contracts, or such as organizations that recv funds for social welfare such as the UNited Way.
There are more rules as well. So Affirmative action actually applies to fewer organizations that most folks realize. And it is instituted much less often than folks realize. Those times that make the news are the types that I pointed out, those for instance that force the hiring of someone that is not qualified. That is silly, find someone qualified instead.
It's an amusing idea - kind of counter-counter culture, which I find funny. It's not really aimed at minorities, it's aimed at the leftist graduate twerps who prance around trying to restructure the global economy so it meets some skewed notion of "fair" but are really unable to run the coffee shops they sit in and smoke their damned bidis. Something like this jerks their chain around a bit and shakes their sense of condescending, we've-got-it-all-worked-out elitism.
Plus, it DOES point out the essential flaw in affirmative action - it will swing back the other way sooner or later. Either we start letting whites have their own ways, or there will be hell to pay someday.
I guarantee there is a fellow libertarian / anarchist at the root of all this who is also registered Republican because it pisses off his own generation's complacent isolationist "pragmatic idealism" (which means the Left will do the moral thing if it doesn't cost too much.) I bet this guy just loves it when the Democrats come up to him, asking for him to sign for Kerry's campaign, and he turns with his long hair, thick glasses, and goatee and says "I'm Republican." Ah, the confusion, the fear, the overwhelming aura of indignant frustration that surges through the air! It's like fine "Freedom" perfume! It's like Satan being unable to even get Eve's attention because she is too busy inventing the open-toed clog.