Hi, it's been a while since I posted.
Circuit Assembly Program 2003-2004
Theme: Rejoice in the Hope. Endure Under Tribulation - Romans 12:12
Nothing special about this circuit assembly this time round, in fact, it was very boring. However, after a 40min drive, I arrived at the Hall, got a program and found a seat near the front.
Saturday Morning
9:45 Music - prior to music, speaker gets up and says, "You will be delighted by some beautiful Kingdom music" Eh? Kingdom Music now?
9:50 Song No 16 and Prayer
10:00 Rejoicing Despite Tribulation - yes, more persecution of our brothers in Georgia
10:15 Theocratic Ministry School
11:00 Song No 78 and Announcements - a gentle reminder for those that chew gum - please don't put it on the seats
11:10 Enduring in Work That is Good - the only people interviewed both days were pioneers and elders. Is it really necessary to state that pioneer sister so and so has been regular for 30 years? A subtle form of creature worship I thinks. It seems that too many pioneers are thinking of coming off the list and so they want to stop this.
11:35 Dedication and Baptism - a few did get baptized, mostly children of witness parents (at least it seems that way)
12:05 Song No. 55
Lunch - finally I can eat. Remember to put your coke cans in the container provided making sure to empty contents completely.
Saturday afternoon
1:25 Music - another delightful Kingdom melody
1:30 Song No 72 and Experiences - a new trend is taking place. The brother giving the experience uses actors to act out the experiences at the same time. Only the second year I have seen this happen. Once again, the experience was of pioneers.
1:45 Bear Fruit with Much Endurance
2:45 Song No 133 and Announcements
2:55 Keeping Our Hope (Carrot on a stick) Alive
3:25 Endurance Leads to an Approved Condition
3:55 Song No. 51 And Prayer
Sunday morning
9:45 Music
9:50 Song No 65 and Prayer
10:00 Responding Personally to our Daily Scripture Examination - I could never work out why they didn't do a daily examination of the text on all the other days.
10:15 Run The Race With Endurance - long time elders are interviewed about how long they have served and the problems they overcame.
11:00 Song No 224 and Announcements
11:10 Botchtower Summary
11:40 Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit - possible change of circuits, moving congregations about etc
12:05 Song No 38
Sunday afternoon
1:25 More Music
1:30 Song No. 23 and Prayer - Why do they always say a prayer at the beginning of the Sunday afternoon session? Does anyone know the answer to this?
Public Address: In Whose Name Should the Nations Hope?
2:25 Song No 105 and Announcements - Once again, crocodile tears for more money. How these people ring up a $12,000 deficit I'll never know. But, reading JT's experience of a brother who worked in the contributions dept and how they put a $ number on each publisher's head, I can see how such huge deficit's can appear.
2:35 Look Ahead, Not at the Things Behind
3:05 By Endurance You Will Aquire Your Souls - Another rehash of last years talk
3:35 Song No 29 and Prayer - finally, it's over
Leaving the building - 4 brothers are facing me just before the exit doors with those tall cardboard contribution boxes. Talk about "in your face"!
Summary - nothing new, or even remotely interesting. Just endure and all will be fine. And keep those contribtions flowing. Not a SINGLE publisher was used for either day, it was just pioneers and elders.
Has anyone noticed that the Society hasn't released a new video for some time now?
Also, the tract for young witnesses, "Young People - What Will You Do With Your Life' has never been mentioned. It's almost like it was never even published. What was the real reason for this glossy brochure?
Just remembered, the CO said that they want us to comment at WT meetings keeping our answers short, to the point and saying what's in the paragraph. Can they get anymore controlling?
That's about all folks