Working For Masons?

by Valis 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    I heard that the Masons have a secret word: Jehovah.

    I don't see any difference than working in a Catholic hospital which several JWs do in my city.


  • bebu
    Masons run unimpeded in mainline christianity, in fact it is honored service.

    I think it depends upon the denomination. The Catholics expressly prohibit membership, as well as other certain denominations. Not Methodists, though: I remember being at a Methodist church one year, at a special Easter event, when suddenly a group of guys got up and left... they had a lodge meeting! I was surprised...

    BTW, Joseph Smith--infamous prophet of the Mormons--was a Mason. Their secret sacred temple ceremony was imported directly from the Masons when Joseph finally gained high rank there. ...CT Russell seemed to have liked Masonry, too...


  • Navigator

    Of course you have to be a mason before you can be a Shriner. I've known several Shriners and their lodge expects them to give freely to support the many good works that the Shriners do. My dad and grandfather were both masons but couldn't afford to be Shriners.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    My MS father is still a member of his Masonic lodge. I have his application, Masonic history (he only made 3rd degree) and I talked to the secretary of his lodge. He never made any attempt to resign. When I mentioned that to the elders they responded, "What do you want me to do about it?"

    So I guess it's okay.


  • RevMalk


    now that seems odd to me. These people are all flipped.

  • onintwo

    Once worked as a hod carrier for two masons. Tended for brick, block and stone.

    No secret handshakes or pretty rings, though. Just blisters and sore muscles.


  • getting it
    getting it

    I am joining the Free Masons...

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