You know, every time when I quit smoking I hit this point where I break down, and cry like a little girl. Unhappy with practically every aspect of my life. I miss those I have lost so much. And I wish for things I will never get from those still in my life. Every word spoken to me that otherwise would just sting me, hurts like its ripping me apart now.
It makes me wonder if I use those nicotine drugs to just be able to keep smiling. Since I left the JW, I have been on drugs, one or another. Before the ciggies I used stuff which was way more harmfull. Before the drugs I was a JW, and totally unhappy, before the JW, I was unhappy, now, after the JW, I have never been happier in my life, but the minute I loose those pink glasses called nicotine, reality hits me with the force of thunder.
I honestly don't think I can take too much of this anymore.
Is this normal?? Did you who quit smoking had this too? Is its just something I have to go through for a couple of days and it will be over, I will be my cheery happy self again? Or am I just totally screwed and should seek counseling?
Blue Bubblegum Girl