A good case to be trashed out in court! I guess keeping separate from the world only applies to it's members.
James 1:27, "...and to keep oneself WITHOUT SPOT from the world."
E-Watchman Has Sent NGO Letters to Over 5000 U.S. Congregations!
by Greenpalmtreestillmine 76 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Been there
But I do know that Jehovah acts quickly against any who threatens is people whither the source be from men or from demons he is a God of action.
If this statement is true, then why when "HIS" people in "HIS" congregation are having trouble and pain from "men", the answer is to "WAIT" on Jehovah? Seems to me everyone spends alot of time waiting, waiting and more waiting. Just wondering.
AK - Jeff
I ressurect this old thread for only one reason. I just for the first time took a look at the e-watchman site.
What I get is tremendous hypocricy at work there. He makes as many assertions about prophecy as does the WTS. He provides no evidence of any sort that the WTS is the 'Truth', yet he clings to that notion in his essays and thinking throughout.
Sorry to ressurect an old thread, but I have only been on here a little less than a year, and was unfamiliar with this guy. Just saw a ref and went and looked around.
What I don't get, is how can you understand all the inner lies and deceptions, prophetic misinterpretations, ethical issues, etc, and still want to keep your confidence in the organization that spews it? Maybe I am missing something here? He has some guts in trying to deal with these issues, but why the ongoing confidence that the org is God's chosen one... ? Just confused somewhat I guess.
Sorry for the blab, just on my chest after seeing his site.......
I dunno, Jeff. I guess its more evidence of the capacity we humans have for self deception. He wants it to be the truth. He wants to hang on to his belief system and his position as "annointed". It's his identity. In order to maintain that, he mentally squirms and wriggles and adjusts and avoids.
I'm not condemning the guy. I did the same thing for an awfully long time. I'm so glad I'm free of that, but it was a hard pill to swallow discovering that I wasn't the person I thought I was at all.
Yeah, Luna, you and I look at this situation similarly. This guy is obviously very intelligent, has all the information we do about the organization, but still clings to it as being "the Truth." We can conclude that he really believes this stuff--and maybe he does. But his continuing to believe despite knowing these things--combined with his claims of being anointed--and his willingness to boldly challenge the Society as he is doing, (to me) suggests a person who revels in being given prestige and attention.
way to go
Nobody does stuff like this and gets away with it.
Actually, we've had some new light on that too....
As you say he knows about the lies, the incorrect doctrine, the bad treatment of ordinary JWs but still thinks this is Gods organisation, just like the old nation of Israel.
I pop on there sometimes, but its really hard listening to all those ones that have been DFs or are still in waiting for God to put "right" the org. There in no mans land. What a waste !
Except for one thing:
So if anyone comes back to them they will just say "we are not hypocrites, because the disgusting thing is actually something didgusting in the eyes of Christendom."
"but but but you said- "
"NO, no, dear sheeplike one, that was old light, WE never said that, that's what your own expectations made you think we said. Now get your a** out and get us some more money."
I think it's fair to say I know e-watchman fairly well. I used to communicate with him often from mid-97 to early 2001 on H2O, where he voraciously defended Witness scriptual beliefs. Then a couple of months ago I emailed him thanking him for his work (I was interested in what 'progressive thinking' JWs were working on; there had been a ~50 member online contingent working with the Writing Dept. at Bethel, but that mostly fell apart with Greg Stafford's Three Dissertations...). And since my dad is a quasi-JW who would feel comfortable going back to the JW fellowship if they adopted some of what e-watchman proposes, as well as a few other changes, I sent e-watchman the email.
E-watchman was very gracious in his letter back to me. He explained he had been DF'd a couple of months ago 'for obvious reasons.' He said he has a book due out maybe this month. He also apologized for giving me a hard time in the old days on H2O, going so far as to say that even hardened apostates such as myself will be afforded another chance to accept Jah's rule of righteousness. And, significantly, he signed off: "Your Friend, [Real Name]." Why he admitted so much to me I don't know, except that maybe he has a deep love of the Bible, what he perceives as its truths, and is still mightily impressed with Watchtower theology, but obviously not their eschatology, and has become a bit more New Testament-like in dealing with those 'stumbled from the faith.'
I wrote back, wondering how his wife was taking his being disfellowshipped but he hasn't written me back. Maybe he's too busy compiling the final draft of the book for print, or doesn't want to divulge any more than he has, especially 'cause of posts like mine. All I can say is I hope he fares well, doesn't waste too much time trying to convince those stick-in-the-mud Society men of his ideas, and I apologize to him if what he wrote me was meant to stay in confidence between he and I.