Hi JCanon,You have so much to say about Biblical chronology, so why no meaty reply on the above topic? Surely there was something that you found objectionable in that thread? Hmmm?
Hi, actually there is not much to say here. My "wordy" position is limited to first of all Flood critics not completely understanding the specifics of the water "canopy" that was above the earth that caused the flood and being unwilling to accept that God was equally "creative" in removing the excess waters even though "winds" can include waterspouts that might have funnelled the water into outer space where there is water vapor by the way, proven by scientists. So I would excuse myself from the arguments that don't specifically challenge my own specific understanding of the flood within Biblical reference. Another reference is that the Bible suggests the water canopy was SOLID or at least one aspect of it, thus a solid ICE CANOPY is my best guess. Noah went into the ark 7 days before it began to rain. I'm presuming that at this time the ice canopy was melted down and vaporized and thus after a short while it became totally dark over this 7 days with a huge cloud cover. Now, already note that there has to be "miraculous" intervention at several points for this flood to occur, the super heating of the canopy, the controlled raining for 40 days. After the flood and the removal of the waters which took up to a year, the question is what evidence would be left immediately after the flood that would suggest a global flood? Further, what evidence after millenniums of time would still be available to us to PROVE there was a flood? In othe words, if the earth was inudated with water even today and that water went as high as mountains and then drained off, what kind of permanent changes would be see? I can't think of anything obvious right off the bat. On the other hand, the pro-Flood pro-Biblical references talk about tropical conditions that once existed in areas now in or near the artic circle. So what does that tell us? Or is that a bogus report. To me it would tend to confirm tropical conditions worldwide at one time which lends itself to the flood legend. Furthermore, these behemoths have been found fast-frozen with foodstuffs in their stomachs that are undigested. This is consistent with rapid freezing during a flood. Now you could claim "Local flood" but because they are located in areas with a different climate now it makes one wonder if that region was also artic. At this point, the scientists seem to say, "there is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE' of the flood. But of coruse, maybe there isn't, but should there have been beyond these things we've seen? Circumstantial things. A final point is that "science" that examines things based upon natural laws would not find all their answers to the global flood anyway, since it was a natural disaster triggered and supernatural forces. So of course, they are not going to be able to explain some aspects of that, but that's nothing new, they can't explain why LIFE began in the first place either. So since I see this argument going into circles with the best defense simply saying things in the Bible haven't been proven "scientifically" as fact doesn't go far with me. You don't need proof of every single thing scientifically to claim it DIDN'T HAPPEN. Some things will remain without direct scientific reference. But generally, the water in outer space, the climatic changes evident, and the Bible's record of reliabiilty in general based upon other areas of my research, I have faith that the flood was a natural event that occurred as the Bible described. Now one thing that sort of is bafflign to me is that all of creation that was taken into the ark would have or could have been used to reestablish the entire earth's ecosystem. Now God has the power to turn stone into bread of course, but just because the Bible doesn't mention it, it doesn't mean there was no some supplemental adjustment in that regard to get the earth back to it's current level. I allow myself this Biblcial "leeway" because some adjustment had to be made in the behavior of creatures to adapt to the new ecological climatic changes anyway. So if god is going to make some adaptations in that aera, then maybe some new creatures sensitive to the new ecosystem came about after the flood as well. With that regard, the animals on the ark taken by Noah may have been primarily for the immediate post-flood period in Noah's area, particularly species that Noah would look after himself. Who is to say. Anyway, I can see why people don't believe based upon not having more specifics, but I also don't dismiss the flood for the same reasons. You know, you can't underestimate God. He likes to "trick the wise in their cunning", so maybe God made it so that very little direct evidence of the flood was left just to test people on whether they would believe the Bible or not? Anyway, I believe the flood and what I've read doesnt' persuade me sufficiently not to believe, though questions remani. JC