A funny thing happened at the book store

by OrangeBlossom 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • OrangeBlossom

    I recently ordered another copy of "In Search of Christian Freedom" as I got rid of my first one (long story) and since it had been a couple of years since I read it, I decided to get another one.

    Since I live in a fairly small town, I decided to give a fake name, in case someone worked at the book store that might be a JW.

    It was Saturday morning (a time when all good little JW's should be in field service) so I felt it safe to go pick up my book. I walk into the store and headed for the counter but was stopped in my tracks by an elder and his family. I chit-chatted with them for a while and hoped they would leave. They didn't so I walked around for a while, grabbed some coffee and waited. And waited. They wouldn't leave so I picked up a cook-book and headed to the counter to pay for it. They were in the back of the store so I thought it would be safe to go ahead and ask for my "Christian Freedom" book.

    Everything was going good, I'm paying for my 2 books when who walks in but a sister from the other hall. I could have died. I left my money on the counter and went over and hugged her to try to keep her from seeing what I was purchasing.

    Whew!!! I made it. Just made me a little paranoid, though.

  • truman

    I am also paranoid about this whole thing, and given my recent experience and what happened to you, there is good reason to be. But even the paranoid can sometimes be right about their fears. So maybe it is not so much paranoia, as just plain necessary caution.

    If I was still into that superstitious stuff, I might begin to wonder!

  • betweenworlds

    LOL orange! that was a close one. Sounds like your luck is about as good as mine. Doesn't it make you mad though, having to resort to such feelings? Grrrrr. I'm almost to the point of saying to hell with it, I don't care anymore who finds out....Makes you feel almost like a criminal the way you have to keep things hidden. Very frustrating.


  • OrangeBlossom

    "I'm almost to the point of saying to hell with it, I don't care anymore who finds out...."

    So true, I'm just hanging around mostly until my mom dies (she's almost 80) as it would kill her if she knew how I really felt. But as soon as she's gone, I'm coming out of the "apostate" closet.

  • Mulan

    A close relative had a similar experience with her husband, who is a miltiant JW. She is having doubts, very serious doubts, so ordered "In Search of Christian Freedom" delivered to her office. She read it in her car, so no one at work would see it (she has gotten very paranoid), and gets up at night to read it in the bathroom at home. How does she get away with that, at home? She put a jacket on the book from another book called "Managing Menopause". She left the book on her nightstand, and he never opened it. I just howled over that. She said he would NEVER open a book with that title, and she didn't get caught. That was several months ago.

  • Francois

    The idea of having to hide a book infuriates me right down to the toes. It's just as bad as having your post deleted or your postings banned.



    My $0.02

  • CordeDeVelour

    You know you've got a problem when you are forced NOT to read a book....that's so sectarist....A religion shouldn't have to keep its followers away from any source of information. A real Christian looks on his own and makes the best judgement for him or her..Jeez I don't miss'em!

  • Sage

    Do what I do, go to a Christian bookstore, no decent Jw would be caugh dead in there, the lair of babylon.

    Or you can order via the internet, often times it is quicker and more private!

  • LadyBug


    But even the paranoid can sometimes be right about their fears.

    Just because your paranoid doesn't mean the worlds not really out to get you. In this case the org.


  • COMF

    Why not just order it online? Go to Amazon.com, or your favorite online bookstore, and search for "Crisis of Conscience" or for "Raymond Franz". Easier than going to the bookstore, and it comes right to your door in an unmarked brown package.

    Here's an example: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/9991737243/o/qid=992574911/sr=2-2/ref=aps_sr_b_1_2/103-7943856-4445415

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