Hi, I'm wondering what the best way to get over depression is. I've been in a black hole for 3 months now and every damn day is a battle just to get out of bed. I've been faded for awhile now and so I lost most all the JW friends that I had in that transition. And I've kind of been a recluse for a few years now, so I don't have a really good idea on how to make new friends that aren't JWs because it's hard to talk about anything or take an interest in them when the only thing that has been eating at my brain for a few months now is my wife. Her seperating from me has been pretty hard to take because I didn't expect it at all and just the other day she told me that she'd had sex with another guy and he was better than me. That just added another knife to my heart at the moment and I took off work and just cried most of the day.
My mom, who is still a witness has been coming over, bible in hand, trying to convert me back and pray over me, and although I know she's trying to help, it doesn't because I just end up getting into a discussion with her about how I don't believe it anymore and it usually ends on a bad note. I do have a friend or two that were JW's at one time as well, but I just can't seem to have much fun with them because of the stuff that keeps running through my mind. I want to get over this. I hate the feeling of sitting at home alone, knowing my wife is out with other guys when just 4 months ago she was happy being with me. How do I get out of this muck that I'm sunk in? Three months is enough hell, I don't want four.