Do you get tired of explaining your Witness past?

by logansrun 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    Last Saturday night I volunteered to be an usher at a production of Hamlet that my college was putting on. There were only two other ushers, one of whom was a woman in her early thirties. (She was paid! Why didn't I get paid?!) She asked me if I was a student, to which I answered "yes." Then she asked how old I was.

    Me: "Twenty-seven."

    Her: "Oh, are you returning to get a new degree?"

    Me: "No, I'm still working on my undergrad. I started attending college two years ago."

    Her: "Wow. You waited a long time to go to school. What, were you in the military or something?"

    Me: "Well, it was sort of like the military."

    .....uncomfortable silence....

    Me: "See, I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian religion which didn't promote college. I left a couple years ago..."

    Blah, blah, blah...

    I am getting so tired of explaining my cult past to people. When I first left the JW's I felt like I had to tell people I met right away for some reason. Awkward as this was, it made psychological sense at the time. I try not to do this anymore, although sometimes you literally get cornered into bringing the skeletons out of the closet.

    I think from now on I'm just going to make it into a big joke. "Yep. I was a cultist for the first 25 years of my life. Thought the end of the world was coming. Screwed me up. I'm over it now. Pass the chips."

    Yeah. That's better.


  • Elsewhere

    When I am asked a question like that, I just give them a simple and straighforward answer:

    "I was raised as a Jehover's Witness and they [Insert bizzare teaching]"

    I can usually say it in one or two sentences without really draging it out... and it makes the JWs looks like total fools. The trick is to keep it short and sweet.

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    just tell them that you worked for an escort service after high school because your mother needed an operation and that you are now paying your way through college, but still working nites at the escort agency.

    also....tell her that you are available for a price. The questions will stop very abruptly.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    Do you get tired of explaining your Witness past?


    WTF I'm doing here still 8itching about it kills me at times

  • xjw_b12
    Do you get tired of explaining your Witness past?

    Never. If you mean apolagizing for your witness past, then that could be the problem.

    I take every opportunity to tell people, I was a jw. And if they ask questions and seem interested, I will tell them everything I've been through and all I know about jwism.

    xjw_b12 who ia a much better "publisher" now!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I used to to get [deleted] sick of explaining my Witness present when I was a kid.

    OK mods, calm down, I did it for you already.

  • Dansk

    I'll gladly tell anybody and everybody of my JW past because, hopefully, by doing so the message will spread and spread about what a soul-sucking, family-destroying, life-taking, money-raking and highly dangerous cult it is.


  • ozziepost

    I'll second that!

  • Xena

    It is amazing how it haunts us isn't, movies, holidays, education, career....the list goes on and on of things we have never done or seen....and people want to know WHY????

    I tend to go with the short funny cult answer myself, then if they want to know more I will expound on it....but to be honest most people after the initial reaction don't really care to hear about it. lol one of the reasons I suppose I relate better to other ex dubs on some levels, I enjoy talking about it at times...and ya'll are a captive audience

  • pc

    No, not anymore. I love to tell everyone about the cult. I explain all the lies and how everyone is completely brainwashed. Matter of fact, I attend a chrisitian church in my town and alot of my friends want me to give an opening testimony on being raised a JW. I am not quite ready for that yet, but I'm definetly thinging about it. PC

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