As long as the SPs make their quotas, they can work part-time...many work for other jws, in foreign countries they may teach English to foreign speakers. Easy to combine that with bible studies.
Some have inquired about opportunities for special pioneer service. What does this involve? It is open to those who are already regular pioneers, ones who are able to move to any territory where they might be assigned. Much of the need is for brothers and married married couples in the colder north-central states. They agree to devote 150 hours to the field service each month, and, since their work is to develop interest in seldom-worked territory, they need to be effective in conducting Bible studies. If you are in position to share in this service, you may make that known to your circuit overseer.
7 Be realistic in your planning. In view of the world’s present economic situation, those who are special pioneers usually need savings on which they can draw or some manner of income that will not be very time-consuming, to supplement the modest monthly allowance of $50 (plus a maximum of $15 for travel), which is provided by the Society on request.
*** jl lesson 13 p. 16 What Is a Pioneer? ***
Others are selected to serve as special pioneers in areas where the need for Kingdom proclaimers is greater, devoting 130 hours or more to the ministry each month. The pioneers are content to live a modest lifestyle, confident that Jehovah will supply them with the necessities of life.