Who Is Your American Idol Pick?

by wednesday 50 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    LaToya or Fantasia.


  • Special K
    Special K

    so Gary is gone.. voted off last night.

    I didn't care for him.

    I agree on your picks Mulan.... They are the ones that I would want to go through at this point.

    John Stevens is a sweetie but I don't think this is the competition for what he wants to sing. I don't find him versatile enough. I'll be surprised if he doesn't sink when he has to sing a pop or R @ B song.

    And the young lady with the bad case of the nerves . Camille? I don't think she'll make it much farther.. A shame really, she is probably pretty good. but some of the other hopefuls have been on stage since diaper days and have polished their nerves and performances.

    Lots of singers who learned to sing at Church.

    When My husband and I watched some of them singing in their Afro-American Choirs at church .. man, I was ready to sign up. What fun!!! what Heart!!! What soul!!!.

    Church would actually be fun at their churches...J.W. meetings are soooo boring..unexciting.

    Their church would be, foot stomping, singing, clapping....now that is my kind of worshipping.


    Special K

  • wednesday

    I agree, K, black america has it all over other cultures when it comes to church. Their services are full of heart and soul. People look like they are really having a good time. Isn't that what the bible means when it says i believe "joyful praise."

    I know what u mean about camile. I feel so nervous for her. Her voice is good, but she is scared to death, and will not make it like this.

    My favs are

    john, LaToya, Amy, jennifer hudson.

    Ultimately, i believe LaToya will win b/c she has the best voice, but i think john will go far. He's only 16 and has a very unique sound, i would buy a CD of his.He has that cool Sinarta, Dean Martin look, and i love it. So does Simon.

    Jennifer hudson has taken a hard time form simon, but she really rocked this week wikth her song. and Amy knocked the socks off all us with her version of "sin wagon" by the dixie chicks. She was great. She reminds me of Petula Clarke, form the 60's.

  • Hyghlandyr

    First of all any of the black chicks, especially the one that is kinda chunky..hmm hmm GOOD!.. And where did Kimberly Locke go? Like she was on last night performing and I could hardly see her? When is the industry going to understand that there are men that like big girls? I think she looked better when she was bustin out of her clothes. Oh well...At least there is still Jennifer Hudson...yummy. I also like the way she sings.

    But that having been said my pic for the winner is John Stevens, gotta root for the irish kid. His style is rockin and it'd be nice for something a bit more stylistic to come out of there than the typical pop. (And yes I like the typical pop as well)

  • confusedjw

    That girl with fake red hair does it for me. Wonderful singer and has some sizzle

  • wednesday

    well the show just ended, and wow it was a hard one this week. My fav sweet redheaded john sang "my girl" and it was awful, but i voted for him anyhow, b/c he can really knock out a Sinatra tune and deserves a chance (i bet he comes back next year. he's only 16) . I do not think he will make it, b/c lets face it, somone has to go, and he was the worst tonight. I guess the worst tonight for me were my john, the other jon, and Camile.. One of them is leaving, most likley the sweet red headed guy. Amy the dyed pink hair, was so Good, and Diane was great. George Huff blew them all away. Actully, except for the people i mentioned, thought everyone sang really good. mow town, is not red headed johns style.

  • wednesday


  • WildHorses

    Darnit, I missed it again! I keep forgetting it comes on on Tuesday night. How was the girl from Hawaii tonight?

  • wednesday

    Jasmine rocked, the one with the flower in her hair. She will be around for a while. Camaile (the other hawaii gril) was marginal, but still better than my sweet guy john. He was just so bad, and his grandparetns were in the audience and Simon hated to tell him how bad he sang. it iwas all off key. But i voted for him anyway, cause he can sing, just not mow town.

  • Brownboy

    The voting seems to be right on track for me,

    My favorite singer is Jasmine. She is different than any others, and she deserves to make cutting edge..................


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