there's a rumour going around that the volcanic bubble under Yellowstone's basin has raised over 100 feet in the past day and there are indications it is ready to blow. this might go on the news as an official anouncement later today. does anyone live near yellowstone?
Yellowstone going to blow?
by Pleasuredome 19 Replies latest jw friends
I haven't heard anything about that, but I do know that the volcanic dome has risen several meters over the last 100 years or so. There will eventually be an eruption, but it could take as long as 100,000 years. If it does blow soon, I can say with certainty that it will throw the world back into the dark age.
District Overbeer
In other words, they are not sure if, or when it will blow, or how big it will be.
Sounds like Armageddon.
Sirius Dogma
I read about this awile ago. Do you have a link that is recent about this activity?
From what I remember, yellowstone is a caldera -
Etymology: Spanish, literally, caldron, from Late Latin caldaria -- more at CAULDRON
: a volcanic crater that has a diameter many times that of the vent and is formed by collapse of the central part of a volcano or by explosions of extraordinary violenceThey can be very nasty and cause as much global damage as a good sized meteor. Fortunately they happen on the same time scale or meteor impacts, not very often and not likely in a human lifetime. The latest eruption, 600,000 years a go, spewed out nearly 240 cubic miles of debris.
You can read briefly about the yellowstone caldera here :
or in depth here, the eruptive history is interesting.
In other words, they are not sure if, or when it will blow, or how big it will be.
Can't the same thing be said for every volcano in the world?
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