I must have missed all the protest in the '80s when the CIA was training "Afgan freedom fighters" against the Soviets. It's always hindesight, isn't it?
Huh? I know that you understand the difference between a "war", like say, the Iraq war, and "the CIA training Afghan freedom fighters" in regards "all the protest" or "the left".
Now then, if Bush had sent troops in to Afghanastan immediately, then I do believe that *some* people on the far left would have protested, maybe even fairly large numbers of people. But there would not be anything like the protest against Iraq, as the terms for prosecuting the war would have been far different and far more legitimate. The Taliban regime was after all giving a home to UBL and Al Quida.
The case to the international community could have been made as clear as it was becoming to our own intelligence community, the Taliban and Al Quida were joined at the hip and had no intention of seperating.
Besides, all of this misses the point. Bush could have gone into Afghanistan his first day in office, and it very well might not have stopped 9/11anyway. The prevention for 9/11 would have been to have had an intense focus on homeland security, sharing intelligence, shaking out intelligence, using that intelligence, speculating on that intelligence. But of course, for that to happen, the administration would have had to turn a least a little bit of attention away from missle defense, away from invading Iraq, and onto them pesky ole terrorist and that Al Quida feller.
You elect a stupid president, you get stupid priorities acted on.
Strong cockpit doors and a directive to pilots not to open them under any circumstances... and 9/11 doesn't happen.
Iraq was somewhat under control where as Afghanistan was completely giving us the middle finger.Exactly, well almost... Iraq was giving us the finger, Afghanistan was sticking it's boot up our ass. Iraq was well contained, the world community was involved willingly in the containment, and the Arab community and his own people despised Saddam.