No orangefatcat is not going to the memorial, I am going to meet my aunt and go to the Anglican church for Easter services. I use to be an Anglican prior to being forced into Jehovahs' Witnesses.
I always went to church and when I was turning to be 13 years old, I was going to be confirmed, however, my father had new plans for me and the family, no church just Jehovah's Witnesses. My dear dear grandma was so hurt and upset with my parents for pulling me away from the church. She felt that I should have made up my own mind. You see neither of my parents were remotely religious, but I was from a very very young age as I would go to Sunday School and Church and I was a very happy camper. I never realized though how unhappy my life was to become after my parents converted to the JWs. What choice did I have.
I have one regret that my grandma passed away in Oct. of 1992 and I know she would have been so pleased to know that one of her grandchildren had the brains to walk away from it all as a JW.
So yes Orangefatcat is going to apostocize herself at the Church.
Love it .
My your easter be a happy and holy one.
My deepest love,