Hey guys, I'm a student at CNU and currently in a Religions class. Our assignment is to research and write a 5pg paper on one topic of the religioin. In other words not just an over-view of the whole religion. My question is what woudl be a good topic to write about and ANY INFO would be greatly appriciated!!! So feel free to give me topics and advice on what to do. Thanks!
by Dakota 11 Replies latest jw friends
Try this...
so your suggestion is to write about the Watch Tower?
Well, if you want to do it about the Jehovahs Witnesses you could do many things...maybe like the following
You could research some items in the news about JWs...you can go here...plenty of stories from the news to research
Or if you want to talk about them and thier doctrines you can go here for a good look at how thier core beliefs over time from believing aluminum to be evil up to today's "new light" about being a JW.
Or you could interview some of us and use collected anecdotes based around a particular theme and/or a set of questions.
Best of luck and welcome to the forum!
District Overbeer
Topic: The parallels of Jesus and other Messiahs of his time.
In this report you can discuss how many other ?Messiahs? of Jesus? time are reported to have performed many of the same miracles that he did (Raised the dead, walked on water, turned water into wine, was crucified, was resurrected, served as a ?ransom?)
Many people don?t realize that Jesus was just one of many? he just happened to end up as the popular one.
A good book to start your research with is The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read
by Tim C. Leedom -
I think your going to need more than 5 pages! Then again you could sum it all up with one word-lies.
thanks for the ideas, keep them coming! My roommate and I have both chosen JW as our research but when we tried to go to service neither of us "got in" When I went no one was there, and when he went cars were there but the doors were locked. So we are now both looking on internet for topics and information. Thanks for the help. Keep it coming!
You could try this one if you are interested in thier prblems w/child abuse..
Or if you are interested in thier blood doctrine
District Overbeer
You could write about the UN/Watchtower thing. Freeminds.org will be great for that. This way, you give your teacher a nice, juicy scandal, and you spend the words in the essay leading up to it with all sorts of damning evidence. Have fun! There's so much to write about when it comes to the follies of the Watchtower...
Are Jehovah's Witnesses a cult or just another religion?