They're Just Running Out the Clock!

by metatron 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    In some months to come, I expect to run into a lot of old Witness friends.

    I think I need a short explanation of my view of the organization - that sums things up

    without provoking outrage.

    "The organization is run by a bunch of old guys and they're just running out the clock."

    I'm not a football fan, but that seems to describe it in a nutshell.

    There's no great strategy, no well-thought out field play, no 'hail Mary' pass,

    no nothing. Nothing is changed, nothing is improved.

    They just sit on the ball and run out the clock.

    ..and to think, Christianity started out as such a dynamic religion.


  • Gretchen956

    I can't think of a way without making a witness angry. In my opinion they're just a bunch of old men playing god and I don't want to play anymore.


  • willyloman

    As usual, you bring a unique perspective to what we've all experienced and this is a good analogy. It probably won't be very effective when used on the average dub, however. But it's a good description of what's going on in the organization. They really do appear to be running out the clock.

    However, I wonder about their strategy. Running out the clock is a good move when you are ahead of the other team on points. I see no evidence the WTS is ahead or, for that matter, even in the game. But I understand what you mean.

    Before I finally dropped out, I had felt for a long time that the organization was "rudderless," lacking any real leadership. My suspicions were confirmed by Ted Jarascz two years ago when I sat with a group of elders twice in a matter of months and heard him speak. At a "special supplemental session" of the annual meeting, about which you may recall there was rampant speculation that some major shift (or "new light") would be announced, he opened with: "There's been a great deal of speculation about this meeting, brothers." Then, after a long pause. "It's not good to second-guess Mother." This was greeted with nervous laughter, after which was a several hour sales pitch for international convention tours. We left dismayed and extremely disappointed.

    Then, when he presided over an elder's school a few months later, he lambasted the brothers for insisting on a regular diet of recreation and entertainment. "Some brothers feel they have to go out every Friday night, to be entertained," he said. "We never used to expect to have to be entertained. Why not do what I did? Go back and read all of the society's older publications, all the way back to 1919. That way you'll know the history of your organization." This was met with a barely audible gasp, at least in the section of the assembly hall where I sat. It was like, "Is he serious?" I was thinking, "Well, if we all did that, a lot of us wouldn't be sitting here when the next elder's school rolled around."

    He's emblematic. They have no clue.

  • garybuss

    I'd say they are WAY ahead. Anybody checked their bank balance lately? Their religion division is coincidental and perihelial. Look at the corporation's real estate holdings, equipment, cash, trusts, wills, gifts, and hard cash flow. These guys are rich beyond belief.

    They are walking with one foot in everything imaginable. They are trying to be shrewd business men. They are trying to be political. They lobby, they try cases, they join political cooperation groups. They are in the banking business, the insurance business, the auto leasing business, the construction business, the religion business, the real estate business, the printing business, the trucking business, the estate planning business and the investment banking business.

    They are trying to keep the old people happy because they have the wills and trusts. They are trying to keep the middle aged happy because they do most of the work and make most of the donations. They are trying to keep the young people on the string because they are the future and do a lot of fundraising with literature distribution. They are trying to get early as possible commitments from the juveniles and the adolescents because they make up one third of the numbers and they will be the future unpaid workers of the business.

    I say they are keeping the clock running and the game going their way. Good analogy. It fits! Great post, thanks, GaryB

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Metatron I think you are exactly right, but I'd say it's their 'personal' clock they are running out. They're just waiting to die and they don't want to blow everything up or have to admit they're wrong before that happens.

  • r51785


    I'd say that they are a mid-nineteenth century millenarian sect which time has rendered irrelevant.

  • Farkel

    I would tend to agree with r51785,

    WTS leaders are are becoming irrelevant, and they haven't figured that part out yet. Yes, as GaryB said, they have the bucks, the trusts, the cash and the rest. That can all go away if they lose their base: the average braindead dub. But average braindead dubs are getting smarter all the time. I was one and I wised up. If a dummy like me can do it, anyone can do it.

    THAT is the greatest threat to the mighty Watchtower Corporation: "your members are WISING UP to your crap, fools. And you can't do a damn thing about it, except lie some more and fret about it and then lie that you lied. You cannot win."


  • TheOldHippie

    Farkel, old friend, this time it's my turn to hug you for a to-the-point message. Just one small correction: Not "a dummy like me" but "two dummies like us" - although I prefer to stay for a while longer and wait things out a bit more, Staffordian as I am .....

    And a similat thanks to r51785 as well.


  • xjw_b12


    Why not do what I did? Go back and read all of the society's older publications, all the way back to 1919. That way you'll know the history of your organization."

    I can't believe Jackas said that. Obviously he was as brain dead as the zombies who worshipped him.

    Oh and what about the publications before 1919, or was all of that just Russel jibbersih?

  • blondie

    I can't find the exact statement, but I think it was one of the six evidences that "we" are in the last days. That is some of the anointed have to still be alive on earth when the "end" comes.

    Of course, there is a problem with knowing who the "real" anointed are and some of them being in their 50's on the GB.

    I would just ask how old the youngest anointed is and then ask when they think they will be in their 90's and how old that JW will be.

    Blondie (soon, sooner than soon)

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