It just friggen gets worse.....

by Country Girl 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    gee that was sad to read CG, will be thinking of ya


  • Sassy

    I'm sorry to hear about this CG. I have no words to make this better, but know that you have support.. and love.

  • abbagail

    Flashbacks, Ii can sooooo relate to EVERYTHING you are feeling, CG! It was May 1992 for me, when I myself had just finished 'putting the pieces together' re: my own (non-JW) abuse after spending 5 months reading 'Incest and Its Aftereffects in Women" (it took 5 months to read because it was sooooo painful), and completely and totally unbeknownst to me previously, also in May of 1992, my younger sis living in the Midwest had told her b/f about her abuse and he convinced her to call and tell my folks, so then my Dad calls me in May '92, right after I finished the book, to tell me about my sis AND what my deceased younger brother had told my folks back in 1987-89 about HIS abuse (but they didn't believe him).... so then I got on the phone and called all 7 of my siblings (make that 6, as the one had already died in '89) and found out THEY ALL HAD BEEN ABUSED AS WELL. I can't even tell you how bad it was having to learn/swallow ALL of this at the same time I was trying to keep from going insane over my own personal revelations. And worse, nobody wanted to do anything about it. Well, I say GO FOR IT! I did not hunt down our pervert in person but I did call him twice long distance, first I tried the "be like honey and you'll get more info" strategy which I couldn't contain the 'honey' part once he admitted what he had done to the OTHERS and he said, just like blondie said, HE DID NOTHING WRONG. GRRRRRRRRRRR! Then I started freaking on the phone at him so he never would admit what he did to me, "I walked in on you and your sister when ya'll were changing your clothes," is all he admitted to for me. YEAH RIGHT! -- Six months later I called him again hoping to get more info, but the 2nd time HE was VILE and NASTY, a DIRTY OLD MAN.

    Well, the point of that is merely to say again, I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL, and may I offer you a BASEBALL BAT to take with you on your trip to Denver!! And I have no idea if this is who you are looking for, but I did a quick seach in the White Pages, and here's a few addy's for ya, Go Get 'Em Tiger!

    From InfoSpace's online White Pages:

    There was no BILLY Carmichael.
    There was also no BILLIE Carmichael.
    But there were 3 BILL's in Denver, and 1 WILLIAM in Littleton.

    White Pages Results: Denver/Littleton, CO

    Carmichael, Bill
    15633 Hadfield St
    Sterling, CO 80751-9100

    Carmichael, Bill G
    15633 Hadfield St
    Sterling, CO 80751-9100

    Carmichael, Bill G
    133 Meadow Ln
    Bellvue, CO 80512-9407

    William Carmichael
    13486 Antares Dr
    Littleton, CO 80124-2508

    And God Bless your brother who is ill and the one who is gone. I can't tell you how many times I've cried for my dead brother NOW KNOWING WHY he was so TORMENTED his entire life! (he had been the pervs 'favorite' from age 5 until he was grown, the perv had a hold on him and made him crazy, angry, alcoholic, etc.) What a Horrendous Life and OH HOW HE SUFFERED EMOTIONALLY yet I didn't know WHY all those years! For THAT I have cried too many times to count and that is also the REASON ALL PERVS SHOULD BE HUNG!

    It's great you are going to the SL Summit. I don't think there would be a better/safer/more comforting place to be right now after learning about your brothers' molestations. Wish I could be there as well, but not able, so sending a big hug from afar knowing/feeling/relating to every depth of your anger, grief, and pain.

    Drive/Fly Safe.

  • Rabbit


    My heart goes out to you and everyone else with this terrible thing in their past. My new wife, was abused as a child, none of her bro. & sisters believe her (non-JW) After all these still affects her. I have tried to be as supportive as I can, she says it helps. Her mother knew and it mostly stopped then, but, I believe the mother was afraid to do anything...this was over 45 years ago and back then not much was done. It was not even talked about. The fact that her mother never acknowledged (before she died) it to her or her siblings, hurts and isolates her.

    When her father died...the preacher 'put him in heaven' told everyone what a good Christian he had been, yada, yada. He came up to her to console her, saying he knew how much she was missing him, etc. He looked like he was going to have a heart attack when she says, "No, sorry, I don't miss him. I know you are trying to help, but, actually I'm just relieved he's dead." "I don't feel anything else...just relief." "You see, he abused me!" Well, that preacher was stunned. He stammered something quietly and looked around nervously...and left.

    As Sassy Sez:

    Confronting him about the abuse may be helpful even if he doesn't apologize. Take someone with you.

    Take someone with very careful, people can be unpredictable. Find out just what you can do legally and do it. Don't make things worse for yourself. You've been thru enough. Don't get in trouble (false charges for stalking, slander, etc.) that will make you pay an even higher price for what's happened.

    Good luck to ya'

  • Panda

    Country Girl, Call me when you get back from Nashville... I'll go to Colorado with you. Panda(monium)

  • orangefatcat

    Oh hell what a nightmare for you CG, please feel my hugs coming to you. Oh how I wish I could make the pain go away. I have such empathy for you and you need someone to tell you that everything will work out. When you see Bill Bowen talk to him and cry and do what you have to do to get all that pain and anger out. Like everyone else says, smash something scream out your lungs, through rocks, do what you have to do, but when you confront that shitty piece of vermin have someone at your side. Anger can sometimes cause us to do something we may latter regret. I know you want to take a 12 gauge shot gun to him and I don't blame you, because that is what I would do. I hate deplore loathe scum like him. I wish there was some magic that could make it all disappear.

    Your dear brothers were subjected by this shit, and I know loyality to family is paramount. You want to protect them too. I am saddened that your dear brother is quite ill, he needs you now more than ever before, be there for him and hold his hand and feel his pain too. You need one another now. Hugs to you both..

    You Texan, you sound like the men that fought at the Alamo. Go get that perve and make his life a misery, but do it legally. Me I probably put up a most wanted poster of the prick and let the entire world know about him. We need to get rid of these pigs.

    These perverts never change unless they are castrated and even then that doesn't always work.

    I know your a tough gal, so when things come to the forefront I know you'll do the right thing.

    I love you and cherish you and my heart is with your heart, so please remember that and know that all of us here share your pain. I wish you peace.

    All my love


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