WT answers to Apostate lies, half truths and deceptions.

by Black Sheep 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I am looking for the WT articles that contest the lies, half truths and deceptions used by Apostates to weaken JWs faith in Jehovah's spirit directed organization.

    Can anyone help me find them?


  • grows1

    Sorry, but the only lies half-truths and deceptions I know that are in the WTBTS publications are the ones they print themselves.

  • searcher
  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Sorry, but the only lies half-truths and deceptions I know that are in the WTBTS publications are the ones they print themselves.

    That must be an Apostate lie, surely, grows1. I am looking for the WT's answer to your demon inspired lie. _________________________________________________________________________________________ http://quotes.watchtower.ca/ is full of Apostate lies half-truths and deceptions and I am looking for the WT answers to those lies, searcher. I suspect you may be an Apostate.

  • trumangirl

    Black sheep, I quote from the Feb 15 2004 WT, page 17, para 17:

    "How can we guard against being deceived by apostates? By heeding the advice from God's Word, which says: "Keep an eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them" (Romans 16:17). We "avoid them" by steering clear of their reasonings - whether in person, in printed form, or on the Internet."

    So from this we can see that JWs will never know what the lies, half-truths and deceptions are, since these are contained in the REASONINGS of apostates.

    But how does one know to avoid an apostate reasoning before one hears it? If you've already heard the reasoning enough to tell its apostate, DOH you've missed your chance to avoid being deceived by apostates.

  • Corvin

    It is very interesting and soooooooo telling that the Org does not ever address any specific issue it regards as "the lies of an apostate". The WTBTS only makes a blanket statement telling its members not to listen to apostates and to avoid them altogether.

    " . . . Something we want to keep in mind, friends, is that we don't want to be personally refuting these untruths unless Jehovah's Organization assigns us to do that publicly. Now when we talk to people in our ministry and elsewhere and they bring up points about what they have heard or read, sure, then we can present the truth to them. But we don't want to be doing that publicly, because that very often just leads to worse reports about us." -"Give God Glory" District Convention 2003

    Almighty Org-O-Jah! Speak with regards to what is a lie and what is truth! Did you become a UN whore or not??? Have you changed your intrepation of the Bible's view on blood, and therefore have the needless death of thousands of faithful JW members on your heads??? Have you been giving shelter to child molestors??? Are these reallllllllllly lies? Silence the apostates! C'mon! I dare you! Well . . . ?

    Uh huh, just as I thought . . .

    Bite Me,


  • XQsThaiPoes

    Some people (not directed to ones in this thread) don't get the apostate thing is a clone of the Blood Issue, another saber rattling paper tiger. Apostate really means lipping off at the elders, printing literature that may cut into WTS profits, denying the GB is the FDS (even thoguth the GB can't claim they are ALL the FDS anymore), and saying you are FDS if you don't write for the WTS(or claiming it stays with you after you stop writing).

    Ever since the pc became popular brothers have made there own literature to condense all that required reading for the SM and TMS in one book. The WTS panicked and tried to shout apostate! Because the the elders was the people printing this stuff it fell a part. Next the WTS played the Napster angel implying JWS was breaking copyright law (really they wanted you to donate for each book or at least pretend to), that fell on death ears too because most of it came from their own CD, and because it is for academic purposes it is legal!

    The apostate ban only applies to DA'ed and DF'ed people. Everything else is fair game. The WTS knows that because they are the major reader of apostate litterature, they can't actually ban it just discourage it. Bethel reads the apostate stuff and prints the rebutal in the watchtower as new light. Because most JWs can't find a real apostate if they tried (before internet of coarse) they never know that they may be reading priviously apostate ideas.

    Pretty much apostate is a boogy man label the elders and the RF brandish to silence dissent "Brother you don't wana sound apostate by saying stuff like that". I know there has been people DF'ed for being apostate I am not addressing them. I am saying there is no official way to get labeled an apostate, they can only DF or DA people. I know an apostate that is is a hyperactive JW. He gets pulled into the back room all the time but because he keeps getting reinstated the WTS can't do anything. They would have to do like the catholic church and make a list of activites that are heretical since the WTS is a neo-heretic they can't. So they just DF people and hope they get angry or bored and don't come back, for if they ever do MUHAHAHAH!

  • Kenneson

    Black Sheep,

    But has the Watchtower Society even told us what the Apostate lies, half truths and deceptions are supposed to be? How can we guard against what we don't know? And why don't they tell us when they are correcting these lies, half truths and deceptions?

  • garybuss

    "So Friends, hypothetically, and I repeat hypothetically, even if an angel were to come down here and land on this platform, today, at this moment, and to present something to us that didn't fit into the pattern of truth, what should we be ready to do? We should be ready to say, "Hold on there, that doesn't fit into the pattern, and I am not going to listen to it!", Yes even if it were one of Jehovah's angels."

    Minute 23, Beware Of The Voice Of Strangers, District Convention Of Jehovah's Witnesses, Selkirk, Manitoba, July 12, 2003

  • blondie

    Good quote, Gary.

    I love using the following 2 scriptures and that statement supports me to the chagrin of the WTS.

    Galatians 1:7-9 (NWT)


    But it is not another; only there are certain ones who are causing YOU trouble and wanting to pervert the good news about the Christ. 8 However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to YOU as good news something beyond what we declared to YOU as good news, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said above, I also now say again, Whoever it is that is declaring to YOU as good news something beyond what YOU accepted, let him be accursed.

    Acts 17:11 (NWT)


    Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes·sa·lo·ni´ca, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.

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