Building our own JW pedophile database

by Lady Lee 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    We all know that the WTS can a database of over 23,000 pedophiles. It seems they will not release this database to the authorites.

    Amazing (Amazing1914) has provided information here about the work he has been doing regarding this issue Amazing is back ... the Wheels of Justice have turned

    He has also posted about issues regarding people who don't think their situation is serious enough or recent enough to be included by the lawyers who are working on this very important issue PM Responders and ALL others - IMPORTANT

    Regardless of how serious you think your abuse was or how long ago please contact Amazing1914 and let him direct you to the lawyers.

    If there are concerns about privacy let the lawyers know that. Amazing does not need your information. He will direct you to the lawyers involved.

    Amazing's hard work on our behalf can help us to establish our own database. While we will not personally have access to this list we will know it is in the proper hands of those who are in a better situation to do something with the information.

    One of the benefits of creating this database is that some names might show up repeatedly. Other victims of our abuses might appear on the list - victims we knew nothing about.

    If the WTS won't hand over their list of names than I am more than willing to give up the names of my JW abusers to help create a new database - a loud voice from the survivors themselves.

    Let's make it a mighty roar

  • Swan

    I'm not a lawyer, but can't attorneys request this database during the discovery phase of a suit? Doesn't the Watchtower have to turn over these records or be held in contempt of court?


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You would think

    But I bet they will find a lot of reasons to stall or even reduce the file and hand over only part of it. And to be honest I think they would destroy it if they thought they could get away with it.

    For now I think they are hiding it behind clergy privilege. And they are claiming in the media that it is a lot smaller than 23,000 pedophiles.

    But I see this as an opportunity to build it up from the other end - instead of relying on the WTS to hand over the information

  • Odrade

    besides, WT would just practice "Theocratic warfare" and deny, deny, deny. I think it's a good thing that someone outside of the WT is compiling a list of molestors.


  • Swan

    Well they may not agree on the exact number, but at least they admit they do have one. This supports Barbara Anderson's claims.

    I told a friend about this database over breakfast one morning a few weeks ago, and she caught that point right away. Admitting they had a database showed that there was enough of a problem that they needed a database to track it.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I know the lawyers are not specifically making a database but in the process of doing their work that will be the end result.

    All information they gather can be added to their list and the end result will be a second database. One not controlled by the WTS.

    And if the WTS database ever winds up in the courts it should be interesting to see how similar the lists are.

    Considering that most victims never report the abuse there just might be a lot more than 23,000 abusers in the WTS

  • orangefatcat

    I think it is a excellent idea. Yes why would the WTS even have a database if there wasn't any problems with pedeophiles? Yes once the names start rolling in it will indeed be interesting to see what comparison there is to the WTS database.

    I know Amazing and others are working at this to bring justice and some closure in their lives that have been affected by the WTS cloaking system.

    Wishing all in the endeavour the very best of luck.

    Love Orangefatcat.

  • Amazing1914

    Hi Swan,

    I'm not a lawyer, but can't attorneys request this database during the discovery phase of a suit? Doesn't the Watchtower have to turn over these records or be held in contempt of court?

    Yes, they can request anything ... however, the Watchtower will argue eccelestical privilege under the First Ammendment. Suddenly, their JW brains go into reverse, and they like to invoke the same rights as the Catholic Church, a religion they normally condemn for such eccelestical privilege ... but, somehow it becomes okay for the Watchtower when it serves their self-interest.

    What happens is that these kinds of requests get argued in preliminary hearings, and eventually a Judge will have to decide ... then the Society will appeal, and so on ... but in time, such records will have to be released. It is just that the Society is going to fight, kick, and scream all the way through the system.

    However ... there is some good news on the horizon ... so stay tuned ... more to follow.

  • Scully


    It may be problematic under Canada's Young Offenders Act and other laws that relate to paedophile activity in Canada. Under those laws it is not permitted to publish or publicize the names of paedophiles in order to protect the privacy of victims.

    What you want to do is a good and noble thing, but just be careful that you don't expose yourself to a legal risk in doing so.

    Love, Scully

  • DevonMcBride
    However ... there is some good news on the horizon ... so stay tuned ... more to follow.

    This is good news. Anxiously awaiting for this day



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