Just found this article during lunch. Must say, that the arguments this site uses to refute the paedophile scandle are so weak, I wonder why they bothered. Lets hope that this is NOT the opinion of the average jehovahs dimwit. The two interesting sections are: Accusation, and Refutation
Do Jehovah's Witnesses harbour pedophiliacs?
by yxl1 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Amazing... that person sits there with a straight face and details what exactly is wrong with the WTS system... then basically says that they have the legal right to do it!
Certainly, the course of loyalty to Jehovah God is to suffer personal loss rather than bring reproach upon Jehovah and his organization. Like brother Jaracz declared in the documentary of Panorama, Jehovah's Witnesses apply the scriptural command "Do not go beyond the things that are written" (1 Corinthians 4:6) also to the publications of the Society and therefore it will be evident to all Witnesses what their way of acting should be.
I have a very interesting conversation about this topic with an elder two days ago. Apparently, he brought this topic up during our discussion about apostates. Not many JW are that open minded to talk about apostates.
He don't harbour pedophiliacs and he had reported two incidence to the police.
Not all JW harbour pedophiliacs.
GreenDragon, here in the US, the elders were told at elder school, call Legal, call Legal, call Legal (Legal Dept at Brooklyn). If the state requires clergy to report, then Legal tells them to report; if not, then Legal tells them not to report.
What are the laws in Australia about clergy reporting?
Can anyone shed any light on the statement below? Is this the article the R&F use to defend their odd aproach when dealing with paedophiles? I just cant believe that anyone could be that cold hearted.
Should victims inform authorities?What would be the effect when one Witness files complaints against the other Witness? The Watchtower of March 15 1996 page 15 gives meaningful advice:
Loyalty to Jehovah God will also keep us from doing anything that would bring reproach upon his name and Kingdom. For example, two Christians once got into such difficulty with each other that they improperly resorted to a worldly law court. The judge asked, ?Are both of you Jehovah?s Witnesses?? Evidently he could not understand what they were doing in court. What a reproach that was! Loyalty to Jehovah God would have caused those brothers to heed the counsel of the apostle Paul: "Really, then, it means altogether a defeat for you that you are having lawsuits with one another. Why do you not rather let yourselves be wronged? Why do you not rather let yourselves be defrauded?" (1 Corinthians 6:7) Certainly, the course of loyalty to Jehovah God is to suffer personal loss rather than bring reproach upon Jehovah and his organization.
Jehovah's Witnesses are no exception to the rest of mankind:
I believe that is true, it's just not what I was taught about the Witnesses by the Witnesses. They must have had some new light.
Big Tex
In the words of brotherVan den Heuvel (spokesman for the Dutch branch) (in Trouw of August 9 2002 - in Dutch): "Do we want a society in which the testimony of one person is enough?"
So physical evidence is irrelevent? STD in a child is not enough, physical tearing or scars are not enough. Good Lord by this standard videotaping the assault wouldn't be enough since there would only be one person operating the camera!
Realize how evil this rule is. It requires two adults standing and watching the child being brutalized. These two adults may not interfere since that would negate the assault. And somehow these two adults, who watch and ignore the child's pleas for help, are somehow more credible than the child?
It was evil then, it is evil now and it is for all eternity EVIL.
The answer is yes. However, rest assured, they do NOT harbor hemophiliacs.
The web site "refuting" this issue was interesting, but the highlight was this terrific typo:
at least some brothers at the Butch branch must know of these cases.
There's a "Butch" branch? Is it run by lesbians? Does the WTS know about this?