Does anyone know the stats on this or have an idea? In all the congregations I have seen seems like the percentage of women is always higher than the men, though it was never information the Org let out to us.
Also the women are the ones who are most involved in the preaching work--pioneering, etc. I knew of a missionary (man) who was in a south American country. He was the only man in the congregation and had reign over some several women--he wasn't an elder, but conducted all the meetings, etc. Another missionary couple I knew a while back (also in South America) commented that the majority of witnesses in their circuit were women. I knew an Oriental couple in the U.S who always had sisters come over from Japan to stay and they were always looking for brothers in the U.S because there was a shortage in Japan. Of course, there were always a lot of sisters with unbelieving husbands but not many the other way around--in fact I never personally knew any in that situation. This always sort of bothered me and I wonder if some in the Org believed there would have muliple wives in the new system. Anyway, this is one of those things I would wonder about when I was in the Org, because it didn't make a lot of sense, but of course I would try and dismiss it from my mind along with several dozen other things, but now that I am no longer in denial--I wonder...