JWs set up information table and website at Ohio University.
Watchtower News.org
by Dogpatch 10 Replies latest jw friends
JWs set up information table and website at Ohio University.
Watchtower News.org
You don't need college...the end is almost here! don't pursue a secular career when you could spend full time in the ministry!
How can they look a college-educated person in the eye and say this crap?
Most college students are internet savy and information driven. They would be the first ones to research the Jehovah's Witnesses online before getting involved.
because sometimes you don't want to use your brain."
So who is going to put up a 'booth' that counters this table? Anyone?
I'm not surprised to see this happening, there are other groups (some would call cults) ie maybe it's called Church of Christ? - some of these groups misrepresent themselves as something else. They use students to try to get other students involved. But the colleges are on to them and have notified the students of these groups and asked the students to beware.
I don't know that the JWs are going that far on campus. But hopefully these students will have their radars up. I also agree with the statement about them being more likely to research JWs on the internet. There are gullible people everywhere though... who knows.
The sign saying "What Would You Like To Ask God?" doesn't do much to dial down the crazy.
Wait, this is dated a year ago:
We will have an information table in Baker Center Lobby during the Spring Quarter 2003Every Wednesday 4:00 - 7:00 pm
Guess I'll have to call and check if the table will be there this spring as well.
I don't know how it works at every university, but the ones I'm aware of, the policy is that JWs cannot have a table at the university unless 2 students are currently attending. If there are no JW students, no table. Hmmmm?
I believe that "current student" thing is correct in most cases. Here in the Portland, OR area, they (the JWs) have a table set up at Portland Community Coll. that has been there for a long time. But they always have JW students attending there. Mostly kids who have dropped out of regular school to pioneer, so they go part-time to community college so that instead of learning math and english they can take auto-shop and maybe have a job that will support them part-time so they can keep pioneering...
Oh, do I sound bitter? Maybe because of all the flack I took for choosing to stay in High School and continuing to take a full day schedule right up until graduation. Somehow I knew that it was my last chance at education as a JW. I was right too, it wasn't until I got out that I'm going to school again. Hmmm, maybe (since I'm fading) some over zealous JW fanatic will use MY attendance as an excuse to set up a table... yeah right, let them try it. And I'll be right next to em handing out silent lambs info. Jerks.