Reading some of this I am surprised, but then again not, it seems if this administration heard something to the tune of you aregoing to be attackedand it has something to do with planes, And they had bracketed up all major airfields and left many, many, many thousands of travelers stuck where they are to seek other means of transportation then we would have had a field day jumping on the administration, the airline industry would have failed as they wouldn't be able to fly, and therefore wouldn't be making any money, same for all airfields and personnel working in them. The industry would have stalled, out, and if nothing had happened for months. The american people would have wanted Bush, Ashcroft, etal to be sacrificed on the nearest altar so to speak. Catch 22 damed if they did, and damed if they didn't.
We hear these reports of planned, suspected terrorist attacks on almost a weekly basis, what is it you want done, put the country into a state of siege? Dismiss all civil rights etc. what?
They knew something, oh really, other than a threat to attack us which i'm sure happens all the time, it probably wasn't detailed enough to make a decisive plan of any kind, so sitting here and jumping on this or any other administration is an exercise in futility.
As far as Ashcroft not flying on commercial or being at the mercy of Airline Schedules may have been one excuse or outright cowardice another who knows. But what if frogs had wings doesn't put wings on a frog and setting here and going over all this B.S. doesn't help the current situation (whatever it is) either.
Whatever analysis of the situation they had, it was a very incomplete picture, we should learn from mistakes not burn at the stake any who made them. This administration had one hell of a situation to handle after 9/11 and they handled it, the best, they knew how, so quit crying for christsakes.
Iraq was also mentioned, well i wish i had all the intelligence and insight that some of you who are expressing disapraging views on this administration have.
Oh don't get me wrong I dont much like this administration, but then again I don't like Kerry either. When i feel like having pancakes for breakfast/waffles then i will read some of what Kerry (the waffler) has to say.