Actually, I recall most the the elders and their familes in my cong growing up, had expensive cars. They always wore the best suits, the wives wore the best clothes and all the make-up was perfect and you could smell them coming with their perfume. Mercedes, BMW, Audi, so forth. They also had great houses, more times that I know, we were invited to these houses and I would just sit in the living room (knowing it was actually the *show* room not the actual living in room) and imagine it being my house. The staircases would wind up to the second floor. In our KH two congs shared the building, one was affluent and one was more middle class. My best friend, who lived only a few miles away, went to the other cong, so we would leave eachother "secret" notes in the ladies bathroom in some of the cabinets. Neither one of us were ever baptized, despite being "raised" with the beliefs.