My Lord has heard your "cry" and has permitted me to respond, if I may. Thank you... and peace to you!
The word of my Lord is that what folks have said here is true and good: make scrambled eggs. And that's very good advice. But that's what you do with the already "smashed" eggs, yes? What, though, of those few eggs that are still intact? Considering their inherent "fragility," coupled with our own "clumsiness" and the seemingly never-ending "jostling" of others... not to mention the fact that we are BLIND and the road is DARK... how are we to protect the remainder of our "eggs" and keep them from getting all smashed up, too? CAN we?
We can. Not only from getting smashed, but from even getting cracked. And it's quite simple, really. From HIM, we can learn:
1. To walk with a little more... "grace." That is: kindness, forgiveness, mercy. Rather than walk around pointing fingers, we can watch how and where WE walk, so as not to "jostle" others too much.
2. To walk with a little more... "humility." That is: recognizing that we don't OWN the "road," that others are walking on it, too, and so, from time to time, we may have to get out of THEIR way... or perhaps even stand still... and simply let them pass. Whichever "direction" they are "walking."
3. To walk... by FAITH... rather than by SIGHT. That is: acknowlege that we are blind and therefore MUST follow the voice of the Fine Shepherd, for he not only knows where we are to go (and that's GOOD because we certainly don't know)... but what pitfalls and potholes lay in the road before us. Thus, even if WE can't "see" them, HIS voice will guide us so as to avoid them. He will say to us, "Step here, child, for it you step there, you will stumble," and "You must walk THIS way, child, for if you go that way, you will fall," and "You must climb up THIS way, for if you go down that way, there are thieves and plunderers waiting to acost you. Follow... me."
4. To follow HIM, the TRUE Light... so as to have our "pathway" illuminated before us. And in following HIS light, which reflects on US... we, can, thereafter, let OUR "light" shine before men... so that they can find THEIR way to him, too! For that is the only place we can lead others by means of OUR light: to the TRUE Light. And it is HE, who leads us to God.
It truly does no good, dear Celtic... to look back. Why? Two reasons:
1. Because once you put your hand to the "plow," to continue looking back will only result in crooked furrows. In order to plow STRAIGHT... once has to look AHEAD... find a POINT... and KEEP one's eye on that point. So long as one does not look away... one's plow will reach that point... and one's furrow... will be straight.
2. If one continually looks back, one will not see the great rocks in front of one... and one risks ruining his/her "plowshare"... and so might be rendered unable to plow for a time... if not indefinitely. Depending on whether one can ever pull together enough "funds"... to purchase another plowshare.
The word of my Lord to you is that what is done... is done. No matter who did "it", once something is done, it cannot be un-done. The river only flows over a spot once. One can only tie one's shoe that exact way... once. True, once can un-tie the strings and re-tie them, but the original tie was done. You cannot do IT over again.
Thus, all one can do... is go from here.
I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you, just as I have heard it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies. May His underserved kindness and mercy... and my Lord's peace... be upon you.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,