It was an awesome conference. It was positive and forward moving, which is what I liked about it. It focused on what it always has: the victims and how to help them. Doctrine, except as relevant to the prevention of reporting, was *not* discussed (unless in private by members). LINK-up and SNAP joined the conference in alliance with Silentlambs, which will create a bigger audience and more activism. A new video was introduced, along with a program to get it into schools, social service agencies, libraries, law enforcement facilities, etc. Several individuals, the subject of documentaries in many countries, spoke about teir own abuse, and hardly a dry eye in the house. The Courage Awards were presented on Saturday night, and I was asked to accept an award for one of the Silent Lambs that wasn't present. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of that and had no speech prepared so I just said what came from my heart. She'll be very glad to get it.
I got a chance to meet many members of this board. I met Blondie and her husband. What a wonderful, caring, and smart lady! I truly enjoyed visiting with her and hope to see her again at a conference in the future. She gave me that hug I so badly needed. I loved meeting her husband, Irreverant. What a gentle and caring soul. I also met NoIdea and JunctionBoy who live in the area. What a treat! I hope that I will be able to meet them all again.
Special thanks go to the Swedish news team that produced the first Swedish documentary about the JW sexual abuse policies, and their tireless dedication to uncovering the truth. More thanks to Anders Kristensson, Roger Karlsson, and his daughter for making the long, tiresome trip from their country, Sweden, to be there. Also, thanks to *all* the news media all around the world for carrying this most important story that will affect the lives of Silent Lambs everywhere. Thanks to Bill Bowen, and his lovely family, for making it possible for silent lambs to speak out. But most of all.. most of all.. thank you silent lambs that have had the courage and initiative to speak out against an unfair system that wants to keep you silent against all the abuse. Your speaking out can make a big difference in someone's life. Just one lamb saved, it's worth everything.
country girl