Do you have "Will" leaving your estate to the WTB&TS

by Nadsam 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nadsam

    OMG ! ..I just realized that my last "WILL" made out 15 yrs ago leaves my entire estate to the WTB&TS in the event of myself and my wife passing !!!!!!....I'll change it Moday and rather leave my money to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.SPCA.

    Do you have will ? you really intend to leave it to some Swine Pedophile Loving Cult..

    Nadsam...your friendly neighborhood APOSTATE.

  • shamus

    Oh lord no!

    I would never have done that. No matter how deep in I was, I never would have given them my estate, LOL!

    Yup, get that changed. Could you imagine how bad that would suck?

  • MorpheuzX

    Yes I do. I've willed them the contents of my septic tank.

  • apocalypse


    I am still "in", until things change with my aged family members. But I have not now, nor have I ever bequeathed one red cent to Babeltower.

    Furthermore, since I am in, I have the opportunity to help others learn the truth about the Governing B's.

    One family of four that I enlightened had left a large chunk in their will, to the Filthtower. They have since quit the tower and are thankful for being "enlightened" with "the truth" about "the troof".

    As soon as the "truth" hit home, they RAN out to the lawyer and stripped Bilgetower out of the will.

    To hell with the tower.

  • core

    ANy who have left anything or everything in their will to the WT should have it immediately rewritten, as leaving, being DFd or DAd will not change your will provisions - a new will automatically voids any former wills or codicils so check it out and get a new will written - consider if family are in the "truth" the wisdom of setting a covenant on any bequest you make to them so that they cannot hand it on to the WT - for example providing a bequest of cash for specific putrposes - or find a real charity and leave it to them - in the UK gifts to charity in a will are excluded from the amount calculated for Inheritance Tax (£265k) so if your estate is larger than that (with property prices rising as they do you will be surprised) check out how to use your funds rather than giving them the Gordon Brown (or the WT)

  • New Castles
    New Castles

    i always thought that was the ludicrous idea ever!! How humble could they be when they were suggesting to their members to do that?? Its just disgusting.

    To answer your question: never!

  • blondie

    Change them wills, guys and gals. Check those insurance policies too and anything at work regarding your pension.


  • reganashe

    Yes my parents are leaving everything to them. We were talking about it last night my mom told me she didn't want anyone to live in their house after they died. So they said they are having it sold and the money is going to WTB&TS. I told her she better have then paying off her debit too. I think that is just rude!!!! She better have something setup for funeral arragements because I'm not paying for it. She can just stay in the house if thats the case.

  • dustyb

    heh, speakin of that, i tihkn i'm goin to take a huge shit in a box and mail it to the WTS. matter of fact, all of us should do that as an April Fools prank =D

  • wednesday

    My husbands parents are leaving everything to the WTS. We are thinking of contesting it, but hubby has a sibling, and they don't speak. If they don't contest it, it may be very hard, and not worth the trouble.

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