Strange picture in this week's Watchtower on porneia?

by eyeslice 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • eyeslice

    link to picture:

    The following caption appeared opposite the paragraph porneia (quote: "porneia includes such acts as oral sex, anal sex, and masterbating another person")

    What can happen if we ignore warnings?

    Now is it just me, but isn't the picture of the little boy trying to rescue his ball from out of a pond just a little weird? Firstly, what parent dresses their kids now days in a bow tie, shorts, black socks and shoes? Secondly, if that were my kid and he drowned, then I personally would be totally guilt ridden for the rest of my life. Yes, we all warn our kids about dangers, including not going by deep waters. But heck, the lad looks about 3 years old; could he possibly be held responsible for his actions of "igorning the warnings?"

    Just another example of WTB&TS nonsensical reasoning!


  • ozziepost

    very strange

  • Noumenon

    paedophiles like pictures of little boys reaching for balls....

  • talesin

    This ties right in with the WT article - illustration of a 3 year old not obeying.

    Children are such wonderful, perfect little people. All the WT does is kill their spirit.

    I feel sick.



  • abbagail

    Looks like (from the photo) and sounds like (from the text) as if it is a 'come on' to the pedophiles in their midst to SUPPOSEDLY 'keep hands off' the kiddies, yet at the same time they 'entice them' with a photo of a cute little innocent kid who, for all intents and purposes, looks like an 'easy catch.'

    Sounds/looks like to me another example of "Do as we SAY, but NOT as we DO."

    Let he who has ears listen...

    And, yes, the outfit and the kid himself reminds me of photos of one of my younger brother's from the 1950s! Black and white, cute little dressy outfit, something a kid would wear to mass on "easter"!

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Children are such wonderful, perfect little people.

    To be fair - I think the image is trying to point out that without proper guidance and care, one can fall into an area of danger.

    It is an unfortunate choice of image (possibly), considering the likelyhood of a child of that age involving itself without pressure in immoral sexual activity.

    Not sure about "perfect little people" - some are foul-natured little imps

  • Panda

    Good Grief! If dubs cared about their children they wouldn't follow the WTS lessons on raising kids. AND it makes me sick to that some ass***e is jerking off to a picture of a 3 year old... but then they've probably been doing that for years. What a sick sick sick religion.

  • Corvin
    "paedophiles like pictures of little boys reaching for balls...."

    [Choked on my bacon laughing]

  • soontbxjw

    Okay my question is in the other picture of the guy looking at his computer on the same page.. Where is his other hand???

  • drwtsn32
    paedophiles like pictures of little boys reaching for balls....

    LMAO!!! Ok, that was a bit distasteful... but FUNNY!

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