To Partake or Not to Partake THAT IS THE QUESTION!
I need some questions answered maybe you all can help.
Why do the JWs not partake? Is it because they wish to be of an earthly resurection? They may not feel that they are worthy enough to be one of the 144,000?
Was there anyone at the Lords Evening Meal just watching them eat?
It is true that the righteous and unrightous will be resurected but to what resurection? to life or to eternal judgement?
John 6:54 "He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I shal resurrect him at the last day;"
John 6:55 "He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in union with him."
Does these scriptures mean that by not partaking you will not have Everlasting life? Does it mean that by not partaking you are NOT in union with Christ?
If partaking ment that you were annointed and of the 144,000 then why would they make it in such a way as to brag to the entire congregation, wouldn't these holy ones need to be better thant the scribes and pharasies?
Please answer these questions any JWs and or Ex JWs!!!
I personally feel that Jesus told us to remember him BY PARTAKING. Nobody at the Lords Evening Meal was just standing arround watching them eat! Jesus invited Everyone to eat of his flesh and drink of his blood, and all that would stand with him in his trials were the 12 decipals. Everyone else scattered because of the murmoring scribes and pharasies. But to have jesus invite so many but be turned away because of the murmoring and the lack of understanding is exactly what the Jehovahs Witnesses are doing today.
The annointing belongs to God and has nothing to do with the Memmorial. Jesus brought a new covanant to live by the death and sacrafise by the use of his blood and body. To remeber this he gave it to the appostles to EAT it because it MEANS HIS BODY AND HIS BLOOD and that means EVERLASTING LIFE to ANYONE who EATS IT. Those are the ones in union with christ as John chapter 6 says.
thanks for reading,