By this I mean what was it specifically that said to you that this isn't the truth? Caused you to give up what you always thought was the truth?
What made you leave?
by Joysome 11 Replies latest jw experiences
The lack of love, the lack of love, the lack of love, the lack of love....................
When you say lack of love, what do you mean?
When my husband and I decided to get married, he wasn't good enough for people because he wasn't a JW. Never mind that he loved me and treated me exactly the way God tells us man should love his wife. My parents always told my grandma (who took great offense to this statement) "I don't care who she marries as long as he is a JW." What a crock!!!
The straw that broke the camels back for me was after nearly 2 years of going back and forth with an Elder on a situation that was going on in our area which directly affected me and my family. One of the study articles in the Watchtower said in black and white exactly how (the matter we were dealing with) should be dealt with, after hours of discussing this article with him he told me " What you see in print in the Watchtower as to how the Elders should handle things is not the way it's always done by the Elders." When I told him I thought the Elders were corrupt he told me in a very loud voice, "If you ever say that again you will be before the committee for apostasy!" Hypocrites!
All the bull crap I saw on a personal level in dealing with Elders just showed me it's a good 'ol boys club and Jehovah couldn't be behind this organization. In my heart of hearts I knew it wasn't backed by God and wanted no more to do with JW's.
Then came the doubts about God and his interactions with us mere humans........I had always thought of God as a loving Father and yet the more I examined his supposed interactions with mankind the less I felt he was a loving Father. His directions (the Bible) were wishy washy and what parent would give such evasive directions causing such confusion to their offspring.
Yeah that and the lack of love!!!!!
Then I got on the INTERNET and this site and the rest is history! I'll go back when pigs fly!
New Castles
I've always had doubts, in some way shape or form, but I think what got me to investigate everything was the pedophile issue. I got and could not believe what I learned there. That convinced me that this is not the truth.
welcome to the forum New Castles!
District Overbeer
"Caused you to give up what you always thought was the truth?"
For me, it was more of a matter of rejecting what I always thought was the truth. It was sort of like realizing you are eating food on the verge of spoiling, which made it very easy to toss.
I tell you, many things lead up to leaving, but the main thing was how the elders were handling the abuse of my children by their mother and stepfather, how they were virtually enabling continued abuse. They wanted me out of the situation, no voice, no objections as to how things were being handled implying that I was nobody to be protesting because I am a DF'd brother. That was the straw, so to speak.
For me it was the UN/NGO thing. When I first stumbled on it, I didn't believe it, but I said to myself that I would look it up, and if it was true then I knew it couldn't be the "truth". That led me to research more about the organization including some of the doubts I had in my mind from the past.
got my forty homey?
Very Similar to Bolondie and that is the lack of love. But in my case it was the year I served in Bethel and the eye opening experiences that I had there. After that was all over said and done I decided that this could not be the "truth". But it still took me over 10 more years till I finally realized it deep in my heart.