JW article written 5 years ago - who authored it?

by truthseeker 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I sound like I'm hacking up a hairball trying to read that... is there an english translation?

  • GermanXJW

    With a little help by babelfish:

    Milton G. Henschel travels with UN-Diplomat Passport

    As was communicated to us by several contact people, Milton G. Henschel, President of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society does not possess a normal passport as you and me but travels with a diplomat passport of the United Nations. At least, this experience has been made by a JW, who served 1998 as a helper at the convention in Munich and should ensure that no unwanted persons arrived into the range behind the stage. He reports that he had stopped a person, whom he did not know personally, and he asked as directed to prove himself. To his surprise the concerning pulled a Un-Passport out and identified as the president himself.

    This occurence on its own is already of importance, because the WTG does not become tired, to compare the United Nations with "the portrait of the wild animal" from Revelation as call it a part of Satans system.

    In addition it comes that there are again and again messages, which are absolutely not in agreement with a religious community, which is according to their own claims are "no part of this world". For example in 1997 the WTS was part of a delegation of US companies that traveled to the People's Republic of China to introduce themselves under the quite threadbare keyword "environmental protection" as a world-wide religious publishing house. (See section INTERNATIONAL). Also the more and more clearly recognizable working together with other sects shows that the WTG is obviously not that what it seems to be.

    Also the reports of former special pioneers, who traveled at the time of the cold war as tourists camouflaged to secret meetings to Russia to smuggle allegedly Bibles, make distrustful. It is reported that just after the war, the WTS in Germany had a part of barracks made available by the Americans to get a direct telephone connection to their American headquarters. Privileges which were certainly not entitled without return.

  • allpoweredup

    The original article did not say that Franz's books mentioned wiretapping but used the words electronic surveillance. Members of Greece's Bethel were arrested after using a camcorder to secretly record ex-JW's who were holding a private Memorial observance, and Ray mentions this. It was done from a van. Ray Franz also tells of elders in bushes using binoculars to watch a house until the JW owner spotted them then came up behind them and snapped their picture.

    The word Phineas has sometimes been used for those trained by the Service Department for they are willing to do anything for Brooklyn Bethel on a wink and a nod instead of in writing. Among other things the man Phineas in the scriptures rammed a spear through the private parts of a couple in the act of sex, an act of violence deemed okay because it was done for Jehovah. Some underground JW members and ex-members have complained that they believed they were wiretapped and worse but have been blown off as liars or mental cases by ex-JW's as diverse as Bill Bowen. They will tell you they still do not believe the Watchtower Service Desk or its associates would stoop to such things. Bill called Raven his friend yet could not accept her warnings about this. Ask him.

    Seraphing refers to the dark side doings of some of the membership including those called congregation detectives, congregation angels or messengers. Few JW's know spying is done on them by some, although not all, elders, and some of their most trusted non-elder helpers. Probably every church group interested in Armageddon has its wackoes. Also, use the large wine-red colored Watchtower concordance to search the New World Translation for verses with words such as +Jehovah +"evil spirit" or similar words and you will find some interesting things.

    Last of all, Betheljack is a term sometimes used by Bethelites in referring to the biggest fanatics there in Brooklyn. You can talk to Jim Penton for one about that term.

  • nilfun

    <--- concordance-less

    Isn't the spy stuff the creepiest? Yuk.

  • truthseeker

    Welcome to the board, allpoweredup and thanks for the clarification of seraphs and phineas'.

    I just feel, that although this article could be dismissed as the ravings of some deranged XJW, there is just too much info in there that has the ring of truth, notably

    Use of theocratic warfare

    Child sex abuse

    Deliberate misdirection by elders and COs

  • boa

    interesting article and at times incomprehensible but at other times, i agree truthseeker, it had the 'ring of truth' to it - and since this analytical process of deciding whether i'll believe something, and, it being a gift of thinking from the wts (heh heh thanks gb), i will consider believing some of what was said.


    a little more fuel to add to the fire

  • happehanna

    Have you tried emailing the author of this article? there is a link to email him/her at the bottom of the page

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