I had not seen any the Lord of the Rings movies until a few weeks ago. I wasnt interested. An older gentleman whom I work with told me it was the best movie of all time, basically the three movies being one. I respected his opinion so agreed to watch it. After not getting around to it for a couple of weeks he bought me the special $36 extended edition DVD and basically got to my guilt so I had to see it.
It was better than I expected but didnt quite blow me away. After the second time I watched it I thought it was better because I paid more attention and went ahead and bought myself the Two Towers a few days ago and watched it. Now I was blown away. So the next night, just last night I finally got around to seeing the Return of The King and I was excited.
I could not believe how awesome it was. It was so awesome I am still amazed. I can't believe that they managed to create such a movie. The Return of the King was so unbelievable it makes me say "Star What?" And that is something. I figured that most of the tech-epics were going to be crap after I saw the Phantom Menace. Judging by the reviews of "..Clones" I didnt think I was missing much. But I was wrong about Rings, I was missing everything. It is the single greatest movie of all time with the prerequisite of course being the two prequels.
I am going to see the Return of the King again tommorrow. It was out for 3 1/2 months before I saw it.
Anyone not completely blown away with "...King"
Wow Wow Wow. I will never get over it.