"There is No God Like Jehovah" on TBN

by abbagail 15 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    Stick a fork in the Huskers....They're done.

    Them's fightin' words, Mister!

    The controversy over the bad decisions in this last year has turned my stomach and raised every red hair on my head, but a member of the UNL alumni and lifelong Husker fan I can't give up on them. It's in the blood--I'm willing to give this coach a shot and will be trying not to mourn too much for the integrity of the program.

  • FrankChurch

    Better to be Unitarian. The only faith where everyone is welcome. No cultic bs.

  • ozziepost
    I must admit that the divine name Jehovah and Yahweh are more often used in services than I would have imagined as a JW.

    There's nothing to be admitted, 3rd! The Dubs are a relatively new religion which appropriated the name "Jehovah" to themselves. Don't be fooled. It ain't theirs.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • air

    youll be singing for Jehovah 2 save u at Armegedon!

  • Stephanus
    youll be singing for Jehovah 2 save u at Armegedon!

    Which particular Armageddon might that be, Air? The 1975 one, the 1994 "end of the 1914 generation" one, or the "end of our twentieth century" one? What makes you think that you, a JW who hangs around apostate sites will be spared in the big "A"?

    Face it, you can't hack it: Christendom has been using your recently discovered "sacred name", long before da Judge declared it to be the way in which your publishing company posing as a religion would be distinctively marketed from then on.

  • Kenneson

    From listening to JWs you would think that they discovered the name Jehovah. Not by a long shot. This name has been around since 1278. And guess who introduced it to the world? A Catholic monk by the name of Raymundo Martini. Isn't that amazing? The first Jehovah's Witness was really Catholic. Not! It's actually a Latin word and was originally spelled "Jehova." Some of you might like to read this interesting article entitled "The Watchtower Society and the name of God" at


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