I was just wondering if anyone has the recipe for the unleavened bread/crackers, or if this has been asked before, if someone could point me in the direction of the thread that gives the answer. Thanks :)
recipe for the unleavened bread or crackers
by astridkittie 17 Replies latest jw friends
Unleavened Bread Recipe for Christian Passover
1 Cup whole wheat flour 2 Tsp. oil 1/4 Tsp. salt 1/4 Cup water 1 Tbsp. butter Sift flour and salt and mix butter into flour until it resembles peas. Mix oil and water and add to flour. Mix until it leaves the sides of the bowl. Put a small amount of flour on your breadboard and knead dough lightly. Add a small amount of flour and press flat with hand. Then roll out as thin as possible. Pick up, turn over and roll out again as thin as possible. Perforate with a fork and bake for eight minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
District Overbeer
Valis? No herbs?
eh I would not waste that sacrament on that sacrament...*LOL*
District Overbeer
1 part water (cold)
3 parts flour (approximatly)
Knead quickly into firm, non sticky dough.
Divide into 1" - 1 1/2" balls, the rounder the better.
Roll out to 1/8" or less thickness. Poke holes.
Bake on tiles, at hottest setting till done (2-3 minutes).
No more than 18 minutes may elapse from the touch of the water to putting the
matsah into the oven. -
My mom, her dad, and a close family friend were all anointed... so I've got *the* recipe.
It's very simple:
- Mix water and whole-wheat flower until you have a nice dough (you can sprinkle a little salt in the mix for flavor).
- Use a roller to flatten it to about 1/16 inch thick... maybe a bit thicker.
- Poke a bunch of holes in it using a fork or a tenderizing mallet.
- Cook it in an oven at about 350 until it is crispy... you can also put it in the microwave
technically, if you add salt, it's a leaven and the "bread" is no good for kosher purposes.
I used to make it for the memorial and it was just water and flour, like Yeru and Elsewhere describe, and was told no salt or anything else (this was our cong's rule anyway).
Just flour and water, no salt, oil, or eggs, or onions, etc.
Good recipe, Yeru.
"That same night [Nisan 14] they are to eat the meat roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs, and bread made without yeast."(Exodus 12:1-12).
doesn't mention salt Yeru...