Anyone interested in cyber sex?

by RubyTuesday 43 Replies latest social relationships

  • RubyTuesday

    Now that I have your attention

    With the total anonymity available on-line, is it truly cheating, to flirt with, tease, or even "have sex" with someone via your computer? Is this the same as ACTUALLY committing adultery, or is it just generally "harmless" fun? Some thoughts?

  • Celia

    How can you have sex via a computer ? I wonder....

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    Yeah, I know, you probably didn't expect a reply from me.

    Well, as you might expect I come down on the more conservative side and feel that if I truly love someone I also respect our relationship and our love and would not engage in flirting with anyone else. I know that's old fashion and stuff but that's just the way I feel.


  • jess

    I think it really depends on your opinion (or of your spouse/bf/gf) I personally think it is cheating. Although it is not actually having sex, it is still getting "hot" with someone else other than the person you are with. Some relationships on the internet go further than expected and many people have had divorces, or broke up because they've had affairs with people they've met on the internet, so I think it can cause problems. You may be chatting with someone on the other side of the world but I think it is still cheating.

    Besides, you don't always know if the person you are talking to is really who they say they are...

  • Puternut

    I don't see how playing with your mouse is gratifying.

    But yes it's cheating if you are in a relationship. Flirting is different, if your partner is able to look over your shoulder and having fun with it too. For some reason people behind a computer screen feel more free to say things that they normally wouldn't face to face.


  • Corvin

    I was actually approached on the street last year by FOX NEWS and asked that same question.

    FOX: Have you ever engaged in cyber-sex before?
    ME: Nunya
    FOX: Would you consider cybersex to be the same as cheating on a mate?
    ME: Yes, I would.
    FOX: Why would you consider it cheating?
    ME: Because my wife tells me it is.


  • Sunnygal41

    Whew! I'm sooooo glad that I'm not the only one who has trouble with this subject, morally, and I feel the same way as does NOTHING for me.


  • rocketman

    With my luck, I'd contract an STD.

  • FirstInLine

    I dont consider flirting online to be cybersex anymore than flirting in person is sex. People that are into cybersex are missing out on much better versions.

  • gumby

    I think your a heatheness, whorish, bastardette, apostate, lowlife, satanic, evil jezabell woman myself.

    Not really.

    Is this the same as ACTUALLY committing adultery, or is it just generally "harmless" fun? Some thoughts?

    I think it sucks for a married person to do this in secret from their mate. It's wrong in my book.


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