For me whenver I think of going, or going to church I get nauseous. I get all clammy and feel my stomach drop...will this ever end. With Easter coming up I want to go to church with my grandbaby but I just feel sick. How does one seperate themselves from a cult without it including seperating from God???
just a side note... (since I've never been a JW, but I've read about the "fear" ex-jws have regarding entering any churches)... Actually, Christmas and Easter are the two best times of the year to "dip your toe in the water" so to speak in going to a Christian church. The services, music, etc. are usually the best ones of the year and are uplifting to be at... very positive. Watch some reputable televsion services to get started (not the wackos). Joel Olsteen of Lakeside Church from Houston is very good. All his services are positive and uplifting. (just a thought)