I don't know if part of our brains are wired to belive that there is a "truth", or if that's just a residual part of the past dub experiences. Perhaps equating a feeling of togetherness resulting from a group effort with "truth" is not the way to feel about it. I'd rather have the feeling of community and friendship which results from meeting different people in various settings than having certainty about my belief system.
The secular work you do doesn't facilitate meeting people with whom you can become friends. Where I work I've been able to make a few new friends who share the same interests as I do, be it animal welfare or cultural events like attending the opera.
If my work prevented me from developing friendships and interests with a fairly wide range of people then I'd join other types of groups, not necessarily a church, though the Unitarian Church has some interesting sermons and activities like Tai Chi and such.
When I'm able to have more free time, as in when I no longer will be taking care of my mother, I'd like to volunteer for that group that helps street kids, Dans la rue, and join an amateur astronomy club, perhaps a photography club.
There are art classes and workshops. Vanier College has all kinds of stuff going on in the Continuing Education Department. You may find people with the same interests as yourself, and it's not too expensive.
As for certainty of belief, or truth, I've given up on that.
You have a PM.